Midnight TV ♥︎

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Just to let you know in this chapter I'm not hating on straight people or anyone else. Noah is just gay, a loyal man and heterophobic😭✋
(Jk, my man doesn't hate on hetero people like dogs barking at anyone who walk past their owners houses, my gay man just think that hetero sex is weird)

𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷
I woke up in the middle of night. Actually at 2:11. I hugged into Noah and looked outside window while I was making circles with my finger on his stomach.

Sometimes I hate myself for breaking my sleep schedule, but I just got tired from all these emotions and now I can't sleep...
Suddenly I felt Noah move. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me then stroke my head.

N: You can't sleep?

M: No. Did I woke you up?

N: Kinda, but that's okay, don't worry.

M: Sorry, I didn't mean to.

N: It's okay Michael.

We stayed in silence for a few minutes. I looked at Noah and he did at me.

M: Can we do something?

N: What would you like to do?

M: I'm not sure. Maybe watch a move or something?

N: I'm down to everything.

M: Then let's go.

I stood up and took Noah's hand helping him out, then we walked downstairs to living room. We sat down on the couch as Noah took the remote.

N: What do you want to watch?

M: I have no idea, look through channels.

Noah started looking til we found a film. I layed down and put my legs on his laps.

N: What the fuck, only porn at this time.

M: After all it's 2 am, babe.

N: I know, but like it really has to be on TV? Mostly the straight one.

I chuckled at Noah as he kept looking.

M: What? Are you embarrassed or something?

N: it's not that. I just don't really want to watch other people fucking, mostly when on tv it's only straight people.

M: You're so straighphobic.

I joked and he looked at me.

N: Straighphobic?

M: Yeah, because you're hating on straight people.

N: But I'm watching romantic films with you where are usually straight couples and I'm not complaining. I just don't want to see them having sex. It's so fucking weird.

M: You're just gay.

N: Look who's saying.

M: The guy that's as straight as a ruler.

I chuckled as he looked at me with that "what the fuck, babe😀" look on his face.

N: Excuse me, what?

M: Nothing.

I looked at him innocently. He pulled me to him by my legs and got in between my legs.

N: Seems like you need to get rid of something out of your head.

M: M-Maybe not?

N: Maybe yes.

M: Please, it's 2 in the morning.

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now