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It was about 30 minutes since Mikey went out to work and I was working on the song.

That's kinda weird that Terrance wants to practice songs now even if we still didn't got acceptance from studio to work with us. Seems like my man thinks positively. Like he always did, but silently.

I looked at the clock on the wall in kitchen. 2:01.

N: Already that late? I'll just continue this shit later.

I put everything down and went upstairs to bedroom.
I entered the room and lay down on the bed trying to fall asleep.

I looked at the clock and it's 2:32.
Why can't I just normally fall asleep when Mike isn't there?

I looked outise the window. Of course black.

Maybe reading a book will make me sleepy? Fuck I don't even like reading, but it might help me.

I stood up and went downstairs, took a random book and sat down in armchair then started reading.

After some time my eyes started to shut til the time I fall asleep.

I woke up. Again. I walked to kitchen and turn on the light to have a better look at clock. 3:03

I went upstairs to bedroom and try to sleep there again.
I layed down and hugged a pillow.

I woke up again. But I can't move in any way. Yes, sleep paralysis. I'll just wait these couple of minutes.

Finally I can move, but I realized I'm in a different room. I'm in circus baby location? How did I got here?

I got out of bed and looked around confused how and why am I here.
I started around.
Was it always dark like that here?
Maybe new owner after William doesn't want to invest a lot money?

After some time I noticed something on the floor about 10 ft away from me.
I made my way there, but with time I started realizing it's a person; and there's a substance around them.

As I got closer I realized the substance was blood and the person was...
I-It was Michael...

N: M-Michael?

I got on my knees and looked at him.
His face was covered in blood just like his clothes.
There's too much blood.
Why is there so much blood?
I've never seen so much blood!

N: M-Michael?

I started crying uncontrollably and got a better look at him.

N: M-Micha-ael! Ple-ease ans-swer m-me!

I started to shake him softly, but he didn't answered me nor moved.

I feel so fucking hopeless right now, like I never was.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard in front of me. It was Ennard. What is he doing here? He is all the time at home.

N: En-nnard! What ha-appene-ed to Mi-ichael!?

He looked at me with the most blank face ever.

E: He's dead, Noah.

N: I-I kno-ow! Bu-ut why i-is he like th-hat!!

E: You don't understand. He's gone.

N: W-What...?

E: He's gone forever.

N: N-No! How ca-an you-u sa-ay that-t!?

E: He's gone forever.


Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now