Cause And Start Of Haunts

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W: Hi Mike.

M: Oh, hi Walter.

W: Walk?

M: Yeah, I've got into fight with my boyfriend and wanted to refresh my thoughts. And also I'm sorry again for what happened in the bar.

W: I've told you it wasn't your fault, and I think he isn't good for you. I think he might have mental issues, like you know anger issues or something.

M: I think so too.

We've been walking for a while in silence.

W: Hey, how about we'll go somewhere?

M: Don't you have work?

W: I had and I was on my way home, but then I saw you here.

M: So, you like walking home?

W: Yes, it relaxes me, mostly after hard day at work.

M: Well then, I guess we can.

W: Then I invite you for dinner.

M: Thanks.

W: Then let me lead you the way.

W: Welcome to my kingdom.

He opened the door and let me in.
I looked around. Not such a big, but not small house.

M: It looks so cosy in here.

W: And it is.

He came in and closed the door. He put down house keys as we took off our coats.
He lead me the way to kitchen, then outthrusted a chair and let me sit down.

W: So what would you like to eat?

M: What do you offer?

W: How about lasagna?

M: Sure.

He began to make the meal as we were talking.
For lots of time I haven't felt so comfortable around someone.
I'm actually happy that Walter didn't got mad about the situation at the bar and still wants to talk with me.
After all expect uncle Henry I have no one.

W: What would you like to drink?

M: Do you have maybe beer 0%?

W: I think I do. But I thought you don't drink?

M: Normal beer and 0% are two different things Walty.

He got kinda red as I chuckled. He got two bottle of beer from his fridge, opened them and put them down on the table, then meal as well.

For the first time after so much time
I felt happy as we were talking and laughing at some weird situations of ours.

I found out Walter isn't as innocent as he looks like, but also that he is from Hawaii, but moved to Utah a couple of years ago, because he wanted to see something of world.

He told me he was in couple of countries around the world and his favorite was to Zimbabwe.
After all he works as pilots assistant.

W: Maybe tell me something about yourself?

M: Then what would you like to know?

W: I'm not sure, everything!

M: Then maybe taht I'm actually British.

W: Really?

M: Yes, both of my parents were and I was born in UK, but they moved here with my grandpa when I was a child.

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now