14th February

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I woke up, looked to my left and Mike is still sleeping. He'll probably sleep some more hours since he was at work last night. I looked at the clock at the night stand and it's 8:05 am. Awesome Gaby should be here soon.

I gently got out of bed and changed my clothes into a hoodie and sweatpants. I don't know how I didn't noticed, but it was snowing at night. There's more snow than it was before.

I quietly got out of the room and went downstairs where I made breakfast like everyday.

When I was done I sat on the couch and turn on news on the TV. Like usually they started with weather and it's going to be snowing later too.
It will make the day even more romantic, Mike likes winter a lot, mostly when it's snowing.

After an hour and cleaning everything up I was still watching news when suddenly I heard a loud knock on the door. I turned off the TV, went to the hallway where I got my jacket and stuff, put it on and opened the door. Like I expected it is Gaby.

G: We're going out?

N: Yes, you'll help me.

G: Okay, but where are we going.

N: Cinemark.

G: It's that place with cinema's, right?

N: Yes, that's what the name says.

G: Yes I got it right!

After 10 minutes of drive with car we've got to the place.

G: So for what exactly we are here.

N: To get tickets for movie. And you're going to help me later.

G: Okay.

We went inside and to be honest there aren't many interesting films, but Gaby helped me choose one. I've got tickets for 5:15 pm and we went out.

N: Now I'll need your help the most. I need an idea to go somewhere after the cinema.

G: I have an idea, I'll get Terry and Lucas and we'll go bowling. What do you think?

N: I don't know.

G: Mike will be happy to spend time together and later you can fuck his ass.

N: Fine.

G: I knew saying that will make you agree. But first we need to see if in Jack and Jill they have free time today.

N: Usually on Valentine's they used to have, even a lot, you know people rather go to a restaurant or somewhere for Valentine's day.

G: Really?

N: Yeah, I used to go very often with boys on Valentine's before and they always had free.

G: Awesome.

N: Than let's go.

After another 10 minutes drive we got on the place. I stopped the car at parking.

N: But for what hour?

G: Your film is ending at around 4, so maybe like 4:20?

N: Alright we'll see.

We got out of the car and walked inside. Like I expected on Valentine's it's not crowded. We walked to the counter where a girl greeted us.

°: Hi, welcome to Jack and Jill, how can I help you?

N: Do you have any free courts today?

°: I'll check, but we probably have.

We waited a while before she answered.

Michael Afton x Noah Martinez: Afterlife loveWhere stories live. Discover now