PROLOGUE - Mental failure

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. She was tall and elegant and had long blonde hair, the color of honey. She knew when to smile and what to say in every situation and people treated her with respect and courtesy. She had everything that she could ever want and her parents were very proud of her because she would make a good wife of a respectable man in the future.

For the biggest part of her life, Isabella had wanted to be that kind of girl - the beautiful one, the princess, the one that everyone seemed to appreciate. It was something she strived to achieve but try and try she could - she always failed. It was a futile endeavor and at one point she realized that her goal was simply unachievable. She would never measure up to the same standards that her her older twin sisters Melody and Valery had set.

The twins were the perfect female offspring of Isabella's prestigious family. They weren't real princesses but as close as one could get when you're not part of any nobility. They were tall, slim, beautiful and flawless on the outside. Their parents loved to show them off and Isabella was sure, they would soon be matched with some rich, influential husbands of their parents' choosing. Having a husband with a strong social and economical standing was the ultimate goal for any young woman in their family's social circles. Thus for women outer beauty and elegance were valued as the highest goods - other traits and achievements came second or mattered not at all

However, Isabella had neither beauty nor elegance - on her mother's standards. She wasn't tall - having stopped growing in height at the age of 13 and thus not even reaching 1,60m. Her skin wasn't blemish-free - she had freckles, lots and lots of freckles, and tended to bruise like an overripe fruit. Her face wasn't perfectly proportioned but round and a little squishy and she had very prominent dimples. Her eyes were a little too large and her nose small and button-like. Her lips weren't equally balanced, with the lower being slightly fuller. And for the rest of her body, she would never be considered light-boned with breasts quite a bit too heavy for her small frame and wide round hips and a small tummy pouch that never seemed to go away, regardless of how what Isabella ate or how much she exercised. Said tummy pouch made her mother tell her several times a week that she needed to lose weight to be able to attract at least some men.

But even if one could see past the obvious outer differences, it was Isabella's nature that matched her family's expectations even less. She surely wasn't elegant. She was clumsy, being an expert at tripping over air or carpet edges or her own feet. It wasn't that she did it on purpose - it just happened. Additionally, she was incredibly curious and said, almost insatiable curiosity coupled with the fact that Isabella was - at times - a little too blue-eyed led to her being tangled up in weird situations that have earned her more groundings than she could remember. Also she did things that her family thought to be strange bordering to inappropriate.

Her latest mental failure, as her sisters called Isabella's spurt-of-the-moment ideas, led to her being the chaffeur and pack mule for Melody and Valery's weekly trip to the expensive shopping center downtown.
It was a punishment because a couple of days ago Isabella had had the idea of making chocolate chip muffins - unfortunately, that was at two o'clock in the night - and she had managed to wake up the whole house when she accidentally knocked over a stack of pots and pans drying on the counter.

Normally, Isabella didn't have anything against going shopping - as long as she could go alone. Because shopping with any other female member of her family was torture. This shopping trip was turning out to be just as Isabella had predicted and she was glad when her sisters got a message from some of their friends who were waiting at one of the popular, over-priced coffee shops and they decided to join them. She hoped that it would give her feet, arms and ears a break. She was already carrying several bags of items for the twins and she could also do without the constant bickering and snide comments about everyone around them - herself included - for half an hour or so.

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