EIGHTEEN - Christmas present

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Iron Knuckles

"Again," Knux barked loudly at Chazz over the noise in the gym.

As usual on Thursday evening it was busy with people training. Knux held up the thick pads that protected him from Chazz's kicks. The young prospect nodded and wiped sweat from his eyebrows before attacking the pads that Knux kept close to his chest once more.

They were working on Chazz's high kicks that still weren't as strong as Knux had hoped for after several weekly one-on-one trainings. Chazz had joined the club as a prospect a good half a year ago and would be joining Fight Night for the first time next week. Knux had hoped that the younger man would be good enough to not be knocked out in the first round. But since the improvements have not been very visible, especially in the last couple of weeks, he guessed that that hope would be rather futile. He wondered if he should mentally prepare Chazz for getting his ass handed to him in a week's time, but maybe it to be counter productive. The young man wasn't someone, who would be motivated to fight harder just to prove someone wrong, but rather he might discouraged to even give his best shot.

Knux didn't know much about the recruit, except the basic stuff. Chazz was a quiet guy, who had a lot of anger inside of him, which he sometimes had trouble containing and had gotten him into several run-ins with the police even before he had started prospecting with the Steel Rebels. 

After watching him attack the sandbags several times a week without much technique for a few months, Knux had decided to give Chazz some hints - that had been some months ago. Those hints had soon turned into occasionally training together. Then Chazz had joined the other fighters in the training sessions, and now Knux was personally coaching him, because Chazz wanted to join Fight Night. In Knux's opinion it was too early because almost all of the fighters had years of experience and all of them were brutal in their own way - Knux included - but Chazz hadn't bulged in his decision. To Knux it seemed like the prospect had something to prove but what the club enforcer hadn't been able to figure out.

"Let's finish for today," Knux decided twenty minutes later.

He felt that Chazz was getting really tired, since his technique was even sloppier than before. The young man nodded again and grabbed a towel to wiped his face. 

"Thanks," Chazz said curtly.

Knux knew to not expect much more verbal communication from the prospect.

"No problem."

Knux collected the pads to put them back in the shelf.

"No, seriously, man. Thanks. I know you have other shit to do, especially with whatever is going on with your missus."

Knux turned to look at Chazz in surprise. He had never heard the other speak that much in one go. 

"It's fine. She's fine," he replied.

They were slowly figuring things out and he wanted to think that Isabella was very slowly getting better.

"No, she ain't. It's not difficult to see. But I hope she'll get better. Seems like a good one."

Chazz took a big swig from his water bottle, while Knux tried to understand the prospect. Was he pinning for his girl? It didn't seem like it.

"It's always the good ones that come with baggage," Chazz continued.

Knux made an agreeing sound.
"Speaking from experience?"

Chazz shrugged, but the nonchalance was faked.
"My sister went through some shit with her ex. She's the best person and he treated her crap. Ended up twice in the ER because of the motherfucker."

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