THIRTYSEVEN - Two hearts

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Isabella woke up in the middle of the night. As usual Knux was wrapped around her, snoring softly somewhere close to her ear. But that wasn't what had woken her up. What had roused her from sleep was the big hand that was very gently massaging one of her breasts and Knux's slowly inflating erection poking her in the butt. Isabella felt her body heat up. She wondered if he was awake but his breathing was even and the way he touched her was too unassuming for him to do it on purpose.

Maybe he was having a not so innocent dream. A blush crept over her cheeks. Was he thinking about her? She hoped he was dreaming about her. She remembered how she had just passed out last night without being able to give him anything in return, even though she had wanted to. She recalled him saying that it was fine, but apparently his body had a different opinion on the matter.

Should she wake him up?

Feeling mischievous, she slowly pressed her backside into him and started to move up and down. His erection reacted right away and became harder and bigger. She liked the feeling of it and bit down on her lip to hide the cheeky smirk that was spreading over her cheeks. 

She continued her slow rubbing until the hand on her boob twitched and then took a tighter hold.


Knux's rough, sleep-laced voice made her freeze.

"Yes?" She squeaked, feeling like she gotten caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

He hadn't moved yet, except for his hand.

"Ummmmmm," she gulped. "Y-you were poking me."

Her face probably resembled a tomato.

"I asked what you are doing."

How could he be already in daddy mode a few seconds after waking up? Did he have some sort of on/off-switch?

"I-I was ... ummmm ... ru-rubbing my but-t on you?" She stumbled over the words.

She was a naughty girl.

What had she been thinking?

"And why were you doing that?" He continued asking sternly.


She couldn't tell him that she liked the feeling of his erection between her butt cheeks.

"I wanted t-to make you feel good?" She replied but it came out sounding like a question.

Knux tightened the hold he had on her.
"I don't think that's the whole truth," he breathed into her ear.

His voice indicated that there would be consequences. A shiver ran over her back.

She was a very, very naughty girl.

Isabella whimpered and pressed herself into him. Her core was already pulsating and wet.
"No, daddy."

She didn't give him more explanation but almost automatically she started to wiggle her butt into him again. Knux growled and he returned to massaging her breast.

"I think, my girl is a horny little nymph, needing daddy in the middle of the night."

He ground his hard erection into her. She wanted to deny it but it would be useless. It was the truth.

She needed him.

"Yes," she moaned.

He chuckled next to her ear.
"Such a naughty girl. You didn't even try to wake me up."

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