ONE - Easy peasy

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It was Friday evening and Isabella was sitting in her room after she had spent a few hours finishing up a gift for Duke - a small pin made out of metal wires that was shaped like a wolf's head. She thought looked like the wolf on the back of Duke's shirt and had found it suitable. 

She was supposed to be babysitting for Mr. and Mrs. Walker tonight but since their daughter was running a fever, they cancelled their date night and Isabella was free for the evening. Her parents and her sisters were all out at some golf club event, which Isabella almost never attended, if not forced to. She hated the stuffy, posh-y atmosphere there and usually she got into trouble for making a fool out of herself. The last time she went was about a year ago. She had managed to trip and almost fall head first into a table with filled champagne glasses and only the very fast reaction of one of the servers, who had caught her around the middle and redirected her fall to drop ungraciously into a huge indoor plant, had saved Isabella from getting her face cut up by hundreds of glass splinters.

Since then, her parents didn't ask her anymore to come along and she wasn't very sad about it. It gave Isabella a free evening, which she decided to use to bring Duke his shirt back. She didn't want to go empty-handed. A guest always brings a gift. The strict, nasal voice of Mrs. Gunther-Smith, her childhood's etiquette teacher, was still ringing in her ears. Isabella doubted that Duke would appreciate flowers and he didn't look like he ate much candy or chocolate, so she decided that maybe he would like something crafty. She liked crafty things. 


It was about eight in the evening, when Isabella pulled up with her bicycle to the Steel Rebels' clubhouse outside of town. She had forgone taking her car as she wanted to draw as little attention as possible to herself. She had guessed that the club house was where she would find Duke and that maybe Friday evening was a safe bet to meet him there or at least someone could tell her, when he was around again. 

As it seemed there was a party going on, which made her a little apprehensive but she tried to tell herself that it would be okay. She would just go in, find Duke, give him his shirt and then get going again. 

Easy peasy.

She would fit in just fine with her black jeans and dark blue shirt. It was plain and simple. Nothing that would draw attention too much. 

Isabella took the steps up to the front door. Loud rock music was coming from inside and the noise of a lot of people. Nothing to be nervous about, she told herself. 

In and out. Easy peasy.

Stepping into the clubhouse was unlike anything Isabella had seen before. The entrance hall was filled with motorcycle boots, heavy leather jackets, leather saddle bags, helmets and other things that looked like bikers needed, but that wasn't what took her focus. Her focus was on what happened in the large open space room behind it. 

It was a party alright - a sex party. Men in biker outfits and girls in too small clothes were making out, having sex in various forms, kissing, drinking, dancing and having some more sex. Some people were also just hanging out on the sofas that were strewn around the room, but most of the people were engaged in one way or another.

Oh dear lord.

This wasn't at all what she had expected. She needed to leave. She could just drop Duke's shirt into their postbox. Isabella was about to turn around, when a guy with dirty blonde hair and a body like a bull spotted her, while he passed the entrance hall. 

He looked surprised.
"Well, hello sugar tits, what brings you here?"

Sugar tits? Did that guy really call her sugar tits? Isabella was too stunned and scared to react.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now