THIRTEEN - Appropriate

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Iron Knuckles

Knux tried not to feel disappointed when Isabella told him that she wanted to be alone after they had eaten some very late breakfast. He was worried about her but respected her wish to have some space after all the stress from last night and the club meeting. Thus, he gave her a kiss on the forehead, before leaving her by herself in her room.

Deciding that since he couldn't help his girl by holding her, he went to find Wrecker, Hazzard and Hannibal, who were soon heading out to visit some of their acquaintances as they had said previously. He found the other men plus the rest of the officers in Wrecker's office.

"Babydoll let you go?" Wrecker asked with a raised eyebrow, when Knux had entered.

"She wanted to sleep," Knux replied and tried to not let his own hurt show.

Wrecker nodded.

"You're coming with us?" Hannibal had guessed Knux's intentions.


"Can you keep a straight head?" Wrecker asked.

Knux understood the president's concern. His recent behavior hadn't really spoken in his favor.

"I'm fine," he replied calmly, because his fury had simmered down.

Also he knew that Isabella was currently safe and sound in her room, hopefully sleeping and cuddling the pillow that he had been using the previous nights.


They first visited Joe, who ran a rather dubious pawn shop in a poorer part of the city. Joe was similar to Fat Frank a crooked person but he didn't want any real trouble with the Steel Rebels.

"Ay, I've heard the rumor around Franklin's youngest daughter," Joe smirked, when Wrecker asked him what he had heard.

He was a haggard man in his late forties that looked at least ten years older because he smoked non-stop. Even now he had a cigarette between his fingers.

"What's she to you?"

"She's my girl," Knux replied steadily.

He had no problem using his own rather impressive reputation as a merciless fighter to keep people from trying shit.

"Ah, true love," Joe said sarcastically.

He was a bitter man that had seen too much bad stuff in his life to believe in things like love anymore.

"And she's with the Rebels," Wrecker added, which made Joe nod as if he understood.

"And Daddy Franklin ain't happy about it that his baby girl apparently likes motorbikes more than horse chariots," Joe added and took another drag from his cigarette.

Knux didn't like that he called Isabella her father's baby girl, because Michael Franklin probably never gave a damn about what his daughter liked, but he stayed quiet.

"Exactly and you know how well we protect our girls," Wrecker added.

"That you sure do," Joe agreed with a knowing smirk.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now