THREE - Forbidden fruit

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If someone had told Isabella still this morning that she would be sitting twice in a day on the back of someone's motorbike, she would have laughed at them. But here she was clutching onto Iron Knuckles while he expertly drove through the city to her parents' house.

Isabella liked being on the back of his bike. It made her feel free but also safe. The roar of fifteen other bikes around them didn't really bother her.

As Wrecker had said, they had all come along and a few more. Rambler and another big guy followed the bikes in a pick up truck, probably so Isabella could put her stuff in there. She really couldn't believe that this was happening. Had she really agreed to move into their clubhouse?

Isabella wasn't really afraid because despite their rowdy exterior all of the men were nice and it felt like they cared which she hadn't experienced in a long time. And they didn't seem like liars, they said they didn't expect her to be a club girl, because that wasn't something she could do. Sex wasn't something that crossed her mind often and she had her own struggles with that.

For now, she had to trust that they spoke the truth and she could stay with them until she figured how to continue from here.

When they got to the gate to her parents' property, the bikes slowed down.

"Well, all this money could have been spent on something useful," Hazzard commented with a disdainful voice.

Isabella knew this must seem so weird to them. Iron Knuckles helped her off the bike, so she could go to unlock the facial recognition on the gate. Isabella lifted the helmet off and stepped into the spot for the recognition camera to work. With a loud beeping sound the gate swung open. Luckily she didn't see the guys' facial expressions under their helmets.
Iron Knuckles helped her back onto the back of his bike, which was now a little more graceful than the first time when he basically lifted her up like a doll.

Isabella's parents came out of the entrance door, when the bikes pulled up. They were both livid. Isabella could see her sisters standing just inside the door hoping to catch something to taunt her with later.

"Isabella!" Her father thundered as she took the helmet off. "What is the meaning of this?"

He couldn't have said piss off to the men around her more clearly.

"Hello father," Isabella said.

She was oddly calm as if she knew she would be safe. Iron Knuckles rested his hand supportively on the small of her back.

"I came to gather a few things. I'm moving out."

"You will do no such thing," her father shouted, his face becoming red in anger.

Normally that would have had Isabella covering in fear, but with the Steel Rebels at her back, for the first time she wasn't afraid anymore.

"Who do you think you are, telling her what she can and can't do?" Wrecker asked and stepped next to her.

Isabella's father spluttered.
"Who the hell are you?"

"Name's Wrecker. I'm the president of the Steel Rebels."

"Isabella, have you lost your goddamn mind? Are you seriously hanging out with criminals?" Her father was losing his composure quickly.

"Careful, old man, whom you're calling a criminal." The threat was clear in Wrecker's voice.

Isabella's father laughed dryly.
"Are you telling me that you're fully law-abiding citizens, who just happen to run a bar that is notoriously known for fights that the police have to break up on a weekly basis?"

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