TWENTYSEVEN - Not impressed

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Isabella was clutching Knux's hand while they walked down the stairs to the gym where the fights were going to take place. Knux had a gym bag filled with his stuff in his other hand, while Isabella carried a small handbag and the medical kit that Revive had given her the day before slung over her shoulder. 

They arrived together with the rest of the Steel Rebels and Isabella was glad for it. That meant she could blend into the crowd and just take everything in for a little while. Because stepping into the place where Fight Night would be taking was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

The MMA gym was literally located underground, as they had to  descend several flights of stairs to get there. A metal fenced fighting ring was situated almost in the center of the large room with lots of chairs and benches places left and right of it, still leaving enough space for many people to stand. Plenty of seats were already taken but it wasn't overly full. However, it was almost an hour until the first match would start.

The audience seemed to be predominantly male. But the girls hadn't lied on Saturday about the dress code for women. Almost all women were wearing very revealing clothing, all of the women from the Steel Rebels included, with make-up and hair done like they were heading out clubbing. Isabella had also put on some make-up but had put her hair into a high ponytail, figuring it might otherwise get in the way at some point of the night. 

Isabella saw the rest of the Steel Rebels starting to head in different directions, probably to find seats or to go change and warm up. Frank, the guy that was organizing the fight nights, was standing behind the desk that was the reception for the gym on normal days. Revive and Duke stopped to discuss something with him and Isabella wondered if she also needed to check in or something, but Knux kept walking, not letting her linger. 

"Revive will tell you everything you need to know," Knux said, looking serious.

He had seen her watch the other two men.

"Okay," she agreed.

She had gotten the impression that Knux didn't like the overweight fight coordinator. She didn't really want to talk to Frank either. But maybe it was expected of her? She was part of the staff - kind of.

She followed Knux to the other side of the metal cage, where a few wooden benches were placed as well as a couple of cots that looked like they had previously belonged to some military operation. Several signs next to the benches read "First Aid station - no regular seating". Isabella guessed that this was where she would be spending the rest of the night.

"Revive will help you set up your station soon," Knux informed her and dropped his bag on one of the still empty benches and then sat down next to it with a sigh.

"Come here, precious." 

He guided her over and she sat down on his thigh. Knux pulled her very close and then placed his face into the crook of her neck. He sighed again heavily.

"Are you okay?" Isabella asked slightly concerned.

He had been rather downcast since the morning. Knux had followed her to class the whole day but unlike on Monday he had hardly smiled or said much at all. He had seemed preoccupied and Isabella had decided to let him be, trying to focus on her studies. But of course she worried.

"Hmm. I just want this night to be over," he mumbled into her skin.

That made two of them.

Isabella had thought that he liked the fights, but maybe that wasn't the case?

"Can you promise me something, babe?" He asked quietly.


She would probably promise him almost anything.

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