TWENTYTHREE - Be the change

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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains the mentioning of sexual abuse of a minor. No details though.

Iron Knuckles

Knux had wanted to get along with Roman for Isabella's sake. But in his opinion his girl's brother was behaving like a pompous ass, judging everything and everyone with silent looks - his sister included.

After Isabella's plea for everyone to calm down until she had a chance to explain things, they had moved to the backyard. Knux, Isabella and Roman had taken a seat at one of the garden tables in the furthest corner of the garden, so the other club members hanging out around the pool and on the back terrace couldn't hear everything they said. Knux would have left the siblings to talk alone, even if he didn't like Roman, but Isabella had quietly asked him to stay. Thus he had sat down on the garden bench and pulled Isabella onto her usual spot on his thigh. Knux could see it in Roman's eyes that he didn't approve but Knux just gave him a hard stare back. The little spoiled brat didn't intimidate him.

Wrecker had shepherded everyone else away and was watching the situation from a little way off like he was ready to jump in if things got out of hand. Or rather in case Knux lost his cool and punched the little prick in the face. Not that Knux was going to - Roman was important to Isabella after all. He might just get a little loud.

"I'll get us some water," Isabella said and got up quickly again.

"Isa, it's fine," Roman tried to stop her but she had already shuffled off nervously, leaving the two men along at the table.

For a couple of minutes or so they were quiet both watching the other intensely.

"So, how old are you actually?" Roman asked finally.

He had his feet crossed at his ankles and sat straight as a rod in the plastic garden chair, while Knux had taken a much more comfortable position on the bench.

"36," Knux replied sharply and folded his arms across his chest.

"Jesus Christ," the younger man swore and leaned back in his chair. "She could almost be your daughter." He looked at Knux in a mixture of disgust and shock.

"But she's not," Knux replied coldly. "We're both adults and as I said, I don't really care about your opinion."

"She's my sister," Roman hissed angrily.

"Yeah, but she can make her own damn decisions. She came here as our guest and we ended up getting together. Believe me, your sister has her share of suitors not only here but she chose me. Everything is her choice. But I'm the lucky guy that she wants around." Knux glared back equally furiously.

"It doesn't change the fact that you're 16 years older than her," Roman insisted.

"No," Knux agreed, "but it works for us. So back off."

Roman ground his teeth.
"I think you're taking advantage of her naivety and impulsive nature. She sometimes acts before she thinks."

"I think, she most of the time overthinks everything she does," Knux countered. "But even if she was with me because of a spurt of the moment idea, so what? Nothing wrong with that if it feels right. And I'm not taking advantage of her. She always has a choice. Always." The last word came out loudly and Knux could barely conceal the fury in his voice. He would not let himself be accused of coercing Isabella into anything.

"But she might not know what's good for her."

"Stop treating her like she's an imbecile," Knux roared and banged his fist on the garden table. His patience finally snapping. "Your sister is an adult - a very smart, very kind adult. She can make her own goddamn decisions and also mistakes, because everyone does them. That's fucking life. She wants to be with me and if she tomorrow realizes that this isn't what she wants, then that is fucking alright as well. She might be more innocent than most people, but that doesn't give anyone the right to patronize her. Not your fucking parents who think they can marry their daughter off like we're back in the middle ages, not you as her older brother, who judges without even attempting to look beyond his own limited horizon, and also not me as her boyfriend who is quite a bit older than her. You don't have to agree with her decisions and neither do I, but you will respect them. And if you want to discuss them, then discuss them but don't say she doesn't know what's good for herself. She does but she's never been allowed to stand up for herself and from what I gathered you are very much aware of that fact."

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