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Iron Knuckles

Knux woke up on Wednesday to the sound of the toilet flushing. For a moment, he wondered why Isabella was up so early, since the sun had barely risen over the horizon. But he guessed she simply had to pee. Thinking that she'd come back to snuggle any moment, he closed his eyes again and relaxed into his pillow.

Something toppled over in the bathroom and Knux's eye shot open again.

"Crap," he heard Isabella swear quietly, followed by something that sounded like a sniffle.

Knux was on alert. Had he heard right?

Isabella kept doing something in the bathroom and muttering to herself. He couldn't make out the words but he could hear more sniffling sounds.

"Babe?" He called out. "You okay?"

The movement in the bathroom stopped like Isabella was surprised to be noticed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay," she called back, but to Knux it sounded weak.

Unconvinced that she was indeed alright, he got up and walked to the bathroom door. He still heard her sniffle.

"Precious, what's wrong?" He asked. "Do you need help?"

"No!" Isabella replied in a loud, panicky voice. "Don't come in."

"Babe, talk to me. I can hear you crying."

"I-I'm alright."

"You don't sound alright," Knux argued back.

"I'm okay, I just need to f-find something," she whimpered. "I-I'm okay."

That was complete bullshit. She apparently still hadn't fully understood that he didn't want her to pretend in front of him.

"I'm coming in, babe," he warned her, before pushing down the handle.

"Wait -" Isabella started saying but it was too late. Knux was already in the bathroom.

His heart skipped a few beats in fear - a feeling rather unknown to him.

Isabella was kneeling on the bathroom floor, obviously in terrible pain, but that wasn't what sent Knux into a state of panic - or not the whole reason. In front of his girl was an unusually large pile of pill packages in all kind of shapes and sizes. Isabella stared up at him like he had caught her in the act of doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"Babe, what is this?" Knux asked, trying to keep calm.

He really hoped she had a reasonable explanation for this. He hoped, it wasn't what it looked like.

"I-I-" Isabella stuttered but didn't reply.

"Precious? What's with the drugs?" Knux started to get louder, worry and anger spreading in his body.

"Drugs?" She asked confused.

"The fucking pills."

"Oh, yeah, well most of them are some supplements - iron and vitamins, you know?" Isabella answered and Knux released the air that he had been holding in a loud breath.

He had started to jump to the worst conclusion. What an idiotic thing to do.

"And the rest?" Knux asked and stepped into the room.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now