NINE - We can't change our pasts

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Note: This chapter includes reference to my other story "Neighbor cottage" - but no spoilers, just mentioning of names.

Iron Knuckles

Luckily, Knux didn't have to open the shop today because he was running late. He had convinced Isabella to take her study stuff with her, so she could work in the back office. After the breakdown at breakfast, he wouldn't let her sit alone in her room. This way he could sneak in from time to time and steal a kiss, making sure that she wasn't feeling too low.

Knux had a theory as to why she was so emotionally fragile at the moment, and he hoped that it would get easier for her once she started to get used to her new life at the club. He also thought that she ought to talk to some professional, but he didn't want to bring it up on her first day as his girl.

Unsurprisingly, Isabella was pretty subdued when they got to the shop. Knux waved at Hellcat, who sat at the register and was checking out two guys, who in return checked her out. Knux was sure some of the male customers, who were the vast majority of them in this shop, came simply to stare at his only female employee.

Hellcat was - as her name indicated - one hell of a woman, she was a tomboy who loved bikes and the outdoors and exercising but she also loved showing off her very toned body in skin tight, short clothes. Today she was wearing a camouflage crop top which stretched over her breasts like a second skin. He could understand that the guys at the register couldn't keep their eyes from her ample cleavage. Knux had looked at it plenty of times himself. But unlike before he didn't get distracted by it today. He looked down at Isabella, who was tucked under his arm like she should be.

Once he was sure that Isabella was comfortable in his office, he left her to work on her assignments and went to the front of the shop. Saturdays were usually busy with in-shop customers as people had time to look at stuff in person.

"Hey boss," Hellcat grinned at him, when he got to the register, which was currently empty.

"Morning," Knux nodded at her.

"I saw you brought Babydoll again. Is she waiting in the office for us later?"

Hellcat's comment sounded nonchalant as if they had something to discuss later on. But Hellcat never came to Knux's office to talk. They fucked, plain and simple. If they closed the shop together, she would come to his office after the front door was locked and he would bend her over his desk and fuck her front behind hard and fast. The same desk that Isabella was now working on, and it somehow filled him with remorse and guilt. He wasn't the good guy that Isabella took him for.

"No," he said, shaking my head, "she's doing her school work there. We're also heading out earlier if it's not too busy. Crossbow is closing up with you and I'll ask Dave to stay longer just in case."

Hellcat made a face when he mentioned Dave, one of the employees that didn't belong to the club. Knux had hired him because he had expert knowledge on fishing and hunting gear, since that was what he spent his free time on. But Dave wasn't exactly easy on the eyes and would probably benefit from doing some exercise to get his weight into a healthy range. Like most guys Dave liked looking at Hellcat, but she seemed to be selective with whom she wanted to look at her.

"Alright," she nodded, "maybe next time?"

She sounded a little hopeful, not that she had any deeper feelings for Knux, but they have been fucking pretty regularly for the last two or three years that she had been working for him.

"No," he replied firmly, "let's cancel those meetings completely."

Her face fell a bit, but then she put on a small smile.
"I guess, Kitty is right then. I'm happy for you."

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