TWENTYONE - Unchartered mine field

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Knux was in a very possessive-aggressive mood for the whole Saturday evening and Isabella wasn't sure how to handle it. After he had gotten angry at Ed back at the club house, he had shouted at two more guys in the bar, because they had apparently had been making some dirty comments about her. 

Isabella hadn't noticed just like she hadn't noticed the guys staring at her butt when she was playing pool. Luckily, Duke and Hannibal had been there to go in between before fists started flying but Isabella was thinking it was just a matter of time until something happened tonight. She had tried to be as quiet and calm as possible, so she wouldn't draw any more unwanted attention but it didn't seem to have any effect on Knux's mood. 

They sat in a booth with Duke, Hannibal, Keep and Wrecker and she could see the other men throwing worries glances at Knux from time to time. She wondered why he was so angry to being with. It had obviously something to do with her, but what? She had thought things were fine between them, if not to say good. But maybe she had been mistaken? She hated not knowing. 

"Knux?" She said quietly.

But one could have thought she had screamed, because his face jerked down to her. She sat on his thigh - like normally - and he had pulled her so close into his chest like he had to make sure that she wasn't even attempting to leave.


His face softened, like it usually did when he was talking to her. But a small crease between his eyebrows remained. Isabella lifted her hand to gently massage the folded skin.

"Why are you so upset?" She asked and gave him a searching look. 

Knux closed his eyes and his face relaxed under her touch. He hummed but didn't answer otherwise. He apparently didn't want to talk. She let her hand run over the side of his face and he leaned into her touch, soaking it up. She remembered how he usually liked it when she touched him and she wondered if it would help him calm down. His touch always settled her.

She sat up, so she could talk into his ear.
"Would some cuddles help?"

At first he still didn't reply and Isabella worried that she had made a fool out of herself. Maybe he didn't want to appear so soft in front of others as he was privately with her. Maybe he had a certain image to uphold and cuddling with her in public was a no-go.

"Precious," he sighed and Isabella's heart dropped a bit. 

Then he nuzzled his face into her neck.
"Yes, please. I'm really on edge tonight."

His admission was quiet and only for her ears.

"Please soothe the rage, babe, before I do something stupid."

He sounded worried and in return it worried her, but he needed her now.

A little clumsily, she climbed over his lap to straddle him. Knux helped her and pulled her close again, before dropping his face to her neck and resting his hands in her hair and above her tailbone. Isabella wrapped her arms around his neck and let one hand gently scratch his scalp. The other slid under the neckline of his shirt and onto his back. She liked feeling his skin on hers and she thought he liked it as well. She rested her cheek against the side of his head and just held him. She felt him breathing harshly into her neck but slowly he started to relax under her. His hold on her was still strong but it gradually lost its forced gentleness. She knew he had been trying to not hurt her accidentally. But now his touch was getting its usual softness back. Knux adjusted her a little on his lap and then let himself melt into her. 

Isabella smiled - her sweet Knux was finally coming back.
"Would you like me to sing for you?" She asked quietly. 

She didn't really know what was a good thing to say in a situation like this, because she still wasn't sure what had annoyed him so much in the first place. She didn't want to think someone staring at her butt or commenting on it should make him so angry that he wanted to hit the guy. But he had asked her to calm him down and she had been singing to her babysitter kids and that usually had helped them relax. Maybe it was a little silly to assume it would work also with a grown man but Knux usually didn't mind her silliness.

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