FORTYONE - Bad movie

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Warning: this chapter contains the death of a minor character.


Isabella screamed, when she felt the window behind her burst into a million pieces with a boom that made her ears ring. Glass splinters showered her and Benjamin, who had been side hugging her like he was actually happy to see her. She could feel her skin breaking and then Benjamin slumped into her. She couldn't hold his extra weight and thus she tumbled to the floor with Benjamin's heavy body burying her under him. More glass pieces pierced her skin. She looked her old class mate in the face and then screamed again for a completely different reason.

Benjamin's eyes had rolled backwards and there was blood everywhere. Blood was spurting out his mouth and he was choking a few times before going completely still on top of her. Isabella screamed and screamed, not hearing the chaos and shouts around her.

Someone rolled Benjamin off her, but she still didn't stop screaming her head off. She was pulled off the floor like a ragdoll and carried to the side.

"Precious, shh, it's me," she heard Knux say.

But she still couldn't stop screaming. She felt him inspect her head and back with careful fingers, before cradling her against him. She didn't struggle, she couldn't, she kept looking at Benjamin.


Strong fingers forced her eyes away from the horrifying scene of Benjamin laying on the floor in a puddle of blood, his older brother trying to do CPR, while shouting that he shouldn't die.

But he was dead already.

She had seen him dying.

Worried dark eyes bore into hers and she felt the scream slowly dying. Tears were rising in her eyes.

"I got you," Knux said breathing heavily, fear etched into his features. "You're safe."

"He's de-ad." 

She started crying.

Another bout of hysteria overcame her and she wailed.

"Shh, sweet girl, I got you."

Knux tucked her face into his neck. He always did this to help her calm down. But this time it didn't seem to work. The shock was too deep. She kept crying and wailing until her throat was hoarse. Knux just held her and kept repeating that she was alright. He clutched her close, like he never wanted to let her go.

The sounds of loud sirens reached her ears. That somehow distracted her enough break her out of the state of terror that her mind had gotten trapped in. Still crying she turned her head to take the scene in. 

Benjamin hadn't moved, still laying next to the pile of glass shards that used to be one of the large windows overlooking the terrace and garden. Anton was kneeling next to him crying but had stopped trying to reanimate him. 

The younger brother was dead.

Blood surrounded him. There was so much blood.

Roman was kneeling next to his best friend, comforting him. Both of them had scratches but didn't look harmed otherwise. Benjamin's large frame seemed to have sheltered them from the majority of glass pieces.

Everyone else looked like they were in shock. Nobody could believe what just happened. Isabella couldn't either. Some of the women were crying.

Isabella looked down on herself. She was bleeding. Her arms and legs were covered in cuts, which she only now started to realize that they hurt.

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