FOUR - Precious

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The next morning came bright and early. It took Isabella again quite a while to decide on something appropriate to wear. A part of her hated that she was again letting other people have a major influence on what she could and couldn't wear but the bigger part of her wanted to fit in. Isabella didn't want people to hate her again.

People were out and about when she left her room. Some nodded at her in greeting, which she returned with a smallsmile. A door to her right opened when she walked past it and Iron Knuckles came out.

"Morning, precious."

Isabella blushed at him still calling her precious even though he had seen how she had grown up. Isabella hoped he didn't mean it cynically now, but unlike other men around here Iron Knuckles didn't seem to taunt others. And she actually liked being called precious by him, it felt like he appreciated her in some way. 

The rational part of her reminded her that men here easily gave pet names to any of the girls and that she would be an idiot to read too much into it, but Isabella still couldn't stop her heart from beating a little faster.

"Good morning, officer," she said and looked down.

"You know that you don't have to be so formal." 

Iron Knuckles tucked her under his arm like it was the most normal thing. She tried to not blush too hard and just followed his guidance. While others like Wrecker and Hazzard made her nervous with their attention, she for some reason liked the enforcer's focus on her. She felt safe, which she never did around other men.

"Okay," Isabella agreed quickly.

"Heading for breakfast?" He asked and steered her down the corridor.

She nodded.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Hmm," Isabella replied uncommittedly. 

She had slept poorly, because her phone had kept lighting up with calls and messages from her family. She didn't answer the calls and she only had to read a few messages to know that her family was furious. It was only after two in the morning that she fell into a restless sleep, which was then plagued with memories that she didn't want to relive.

"What are you gonna do today?" He kept asking.

"I don't know." 

Her conversation skills were really superb this morning. 

"I don't think I will go to class today. My parents might have someone waiting for me at college to take me home and I don't think I can face that today," she added quickly.

Iron Knuckles made an agreeing sound.
"That's likely to happen. I talked with the others last night about how we can protect you while you're out and about, but let's make a plan together on the weekend. Will you be okay missing two days?"

"I think so. I sent a message that I'm sick, that should cover it." 

People passing the two looked at them curiously.

"Good. There isn't much to do around here during the day because most people are out except the night workers. I hope you won't get too bored."

Isabella looked up at Iron Knuckles, who gave her a small smile. She liked seeing him smiling.

 "That's okay. I have some assignments to finish. Is it alright if I take a look around the clubhouse or will it annoy people?" 

She wanted to explore this house that was so different from her parents' place. Wrecker had pointed out people's bedrooms in the upper floors, so she would make sure to stay clear of those, but there was a whole ground floor and the outsides to explore. But Isabella also didn't want to step on anyone's toes while she satisfied her curiosity.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now