TWELVE - Church

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Iron Knuckles

Knux felt completely drained when he woke up on Sunday morning. Isabella was still sleeping but it didn't surprise him. Before they went to sleep, he had agreed to let her get some ice for his face and then patiently held still, while she redressed his hands because the bandages had come off and the wounds had started bleeding again. She had been still pretty much out of it because she hadn't seemed to realize that they weren't alone. It was like she had tunnel vision, only focussing on him and taking care of him. Revive had tried to talk to her but she shrunk away in fear, so he didn't press the matter. Knux couldn't explain Isabella's behavior other than she was still in shock in a way. He hadn't be able to do more than shrug at everyone else's questioning and concerned looks, when Isabella wobbled to the kitchen to get ice. Nobody tried talking to her after seeing her scared reaction to Revive and the medic just advised that they should be patient and see what was the situation the next day. Knux thought Isabella needed to start counseling as soon as possible.

She had been having nightmares the whole night through and kept crying and whimpering and begging for someone to stop, but she didn't wake up at any point. Knux held her close and told her that she was safe and it helped her calm down every time. It was only around six or seven in the morning that she seemed to be finally in a deeper sleep, which allowed Knux to also relax and fall asleep.

Knux turned off his alarm. He tended to sleep in on days that he didn't need to work, which had resulted in him missing their weekly Officer Church a few times, so he had taken to setting an alarm also for Sundays. Knux turned back to cuddle his girl close to his chest. She seemed at peace for now.

After another five minutes of enjoying having Isabella safe and sound in his arms, he had to get up, if he wanted to have time to grab a coffee before Church.


"Knux, how's your girl?"

Wrecker didn't waste any time, when the doors had closed behind them in the meeting room. Everyone seemed to be rather solemn this morning.

Knux rubbed his face tiredly.
"Dunno," he admitted. "The night was shit, but she was still sleeping when I got up. Haven't talked to her yet."

Wrecker nodded thoughtfully.
"She needs to go to therapy. The club will pay for it."

Knux shook his head.
"She's my girl."

He didn't need the club to cover Isabella's medical bills.

"The club will pay for her therapy," Wrecker replied in a hard voice and Knux thought about arguing. "We always pay for this shit, so don't start being stubborn. You'll have enough expenses coming up, since she's still studying."

The enforcer knew Wrecker was right, but it still didn't sit right with him.
"Pres, she isn't a club girl. I'll cover-" Knux started but was interrupted.

"Knux, what part of 'don't start being stubborn' did you not get? Isabella will be a Rebel and that's why we'll pay for it. You can spend your time and money finding that fucker, because I guess he's not in the country anymore," Wrecker replied angrily.

Knux sighed but begrudgingly accepted the decision.
"He can't enter anymore."

"Well, then we'll take a holiday soon."

One could think that Wrecker was actually talking about going somewhere to get a tan and not about going somewhere to get revenge for Isabella.

"Maybe she shouldn't come to Fight Night," Duke said after a moment of silence.

Knux had considered the same thing, but not come to a conclusion.

"If she starts screaming like a banshee then she better stay away."

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