TWO - Running into trouble

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Wrecker was holding ice to his cheek, when all seven of them sat down for Officer Church about fifteen minutes after Isabella had left. Duke knew that the few girls, who had actually come for Initiation Night, would be disappointed that they couldn't nail down at least one of the officers and thus get the chance to become a female member of the Steel Rebels but he didn't really give a shit. Next Initiation Night would come in a few months. The girls could try again if they really wanted. 

It was more important that they figured out how the hell they would handle the situation with Isabella. Duke knew it was partly his fault. But why had nobody else opened their fucking mouths and asked?

"What the fuck happened with her?" Wrecker shouted. 

He was in a shit mood, like all of them. 

"She was at the wrong place at the wrong time," Iron Knuckles said calmly.

"Did you tell her to come, Duke?" 

Wrecker fixed the treasurer with an angry stare and Duke returned the look.
"She asked how to return the shirt and I said that it's on the shirt. I thought that she would be too scared to come. She was looking like she was going for tea with her friends when I met her, hair up, silk shirt and pencil skirt and all. If at all, I would have expected her to maybe post it. How the fuck was I supposed to know she wasn't here for Initiation Night?" He tried to defend himself.

"By actually listening to her?" Hannibal offered sarcastically. 

Duke knew that the oldest officer was right, but he wouldn't take the whole blame.
"None of you assholes seemed to have any doubts about her," Duke said and leaned back crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Why didn't you say anything if you were skeptical?" He challenged the SAA.

"Because this was the first girl you brought in since Geisha. Yes, she's fucking young but I thought you had finally gotten over the bitch. I didn't want to ruin the fun for you. Even if she could be your and especially my daughter."

Duke knew that Hannibal wasn't wrong. But he hated that the SAA talked about his ex Old Lady, who had fucked him and the club over a couple of years ago, and compared Isabella to her. Duke didn't want the girl. He didn't do them that young.

"I'm over Geisha," he growled.

The others looked at him like he had grown a second head.

"Yeah, right. That's why you let none of the girls stay in your room overnight or not bother to have a proper conversation with any of them. You just fuck them and leave them."

Hazzard knew how to make a person feel like shit and didn't have any whelms of speaking things out.

Maybe Duke didn't want to get attached.

So what?

"And?" He asked challengingly.

Duke wasn't afraid of their VP. They could all be mean motherfuckers if riled up.

"Nothing. Just saying that it's not a sin to just chat with a woman."

Duke scoffed at Hazzard.
"Fuck you."

"Nah, I'd rather fuck Isabella but you messed that up for us."

"I think we can agree that we all behaved like dickheads."
Iron Knuckles was once again playing the peacekeeper.

Everyone around the table growled, some in agreement, some in disagreement.

"We need to fix this," Wrecker said finally.

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