TWENTYTWO - Not there

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Author's note: someone has been asking about people's age. Most people in the club are in their late twenties or thirties and a few quite a bit older e.g. Duke, Cougar or Hannibal. As for Isabella, I guess it's clear and I thought Knux's age was also mentioned before but I added it to this chapter. Yes, the age gap is rather big but it is how it is. :) In my opinion this story wouldn't work with Knux being much younger.


Isabella's day was effectively ruined after the rude awakening. She had wanted to have a nice, relaxing Sunday with Knux and the others. 

Knux had even gotten her her own helmet. It was mint green, retro and with some flowers printed on the side. She loved the helmet and it had been incredibly sweet of him to get something that fit her personality better than a standard black one. But her mind was full of worries after the early morning call from Roman and she had burst into tears when she had wanted to thank Knux for the gift. While he seemed to understand that her emotions were once again all over the place, she felt terrible for ruining such a moment. 

They hadn't talked much after the call and after an hour of cuddling, they had gotten up and started the day. Knux had disappeared to the weekly club officer meeting after breakfast and Isabella had helped gather things for the club ride, as they were heading out once the officers finished.

Her melancholic mood prevailed for the next hours and she couldn't enjoy the club ride that she had been looking forward to participate in. She couldn't relax at any point, not even when they stopped at the beach after an hour-long ride. Knux found them a shady spot from where they watched the others go swim and engage in wild and loud water fights. A lot of the women were sunbathing but from time to time their tanning would be interrupted by some of the guys, who just picked them up and under loud shrieking from the women threw them into the lake. People were carefree and relaxed and Isabella hated herself for being so gloomy. Knux was also quiet next to her and she told him a few times that he could join the others, especially when the guys tried to rope him into a game of beach volley ball. She didn't want to drag him down with her sadness. But Knux didn't leave her side. Like a silent guardian he offered her a shoulder to lean on - literally and figuratively. At some point she fell asleep on top of him while he scratched her head.

When she woke up again, Knux was still hold her with one arm, while he had a book in his other hand. Isabella turned her face to look at him and was surprised to see him wear glasses.

"Hey precious," he gave her a lopsided smile.


She swallowed to get rid of the dryness in her mouth.

"How was your nap?" 

He placed the book down and then adjusted her a bit better on his side.

"Good," Isabella replied.

She felt much better now, her heart wasn't as heavy as it had been earlier.

"How long was I out?"

"About a hour." 

Knux took off his glasses and stored them in a small case.

"I didn't know you had glasses," she said nodding to the case.

"Yeah. I need them for reading. That's how it is when you get old." 

He winked at her.

"You're not old," she protested. 

Of course he was quite a bit older than her but to her, 36 wasn't old.

Knux chuckled.
"That's sweet of you to say but don't you know it's all downhill after you turn 30?" 

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