TWENTYNINE - Tough little thing

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Author's note: sorry for the confusion with the upload. I once again pressed the publish button instead of save. -.-

I hope you like the chapter. It got even longer than I thought but oh well. :D



By the time the first round of the cup was over, Isabella was questioning ALL of her life choices.

Well, maybe not all, but definitely her idea to become a nurse. If she had a choice, she would probably never work in the ER or as a paramedic or in a hospital in general. Maybe she could become a pediatric nurse? Working with kids seemed to be a much better idea than trying to juggled close to ten injured men by herself.

While most of them just had some cuts and bruises, she really worried about Chazz, who was still wavering between staying awake and blacking out. His jaw had swollen so much that he seemed to have trouble opening it. Another club brother called Popeye had sprained his ankle badly and his foot was now twice the size. Shotgun, a guy Isabella had seen before at the club but never talked to, had been knocked out in the first round and had been in a terrible mood when he had woken up again - growling so angrily that Isabella had been scared to approach him. Hannibal had to tell him to behave - like he was a rabid dog - before he dropped most of his aggressive behavior and Isabella could check on him. Knux had been in the ring at that point and - lucky for Shotgun - not seen the interaction.

True to Knux's words, he was rather okay after the first round. He only had some new bruises. His lower lip was split but he seemed otherwise fine, which soothed the part of Isabella's heart that was scared senseless for her boyfriend.

There was a fifteen minute break before the next round but Isabella didn't notice it much, because she was busy checking on her patients. At some point Revive came over. He looked rather calm and collected, while Isabella thought she looked like a headless chicken. She definitely felt like a headless chicken, flittering from one place to the other.

"Babydoll, sit down," she heard Revive said while she was collecting another pile of bloodied paper towels.

A pair of strong hands grabbed her shoulders and Isabella was too anxious to react much. She let herself be steered over to an empty spot and sst down. Like a bag of wet rags she dropped onto the bench, only partially realizing that it was next to Knux. Someone pressed a bottle of water into her hand.

"Drink, girl. Can't have you faint on us."

Revive appeared in front of her and crouched down. She regarded him questioningly, but didn't say anything. Everything was a little hazy.

"Drink," he repeated his words and nodded at the bottle.

With shaking hands Isabella tried to open the cap but her fingers seemed to be unwilling to cooperate. After fumbling with the cap for twenty seconds or so, Knux placed a steady hand on top of hers.

"Breathe, babe."

He took the bottle from her hands and opened it easily for her.

"Yeah, listen to your man. Breathe and calm down. The guys will survive a few minutes without you," Revive said.

Almost automatically Isabella's eyes went to Chazz, who was laying on the cot with his eyes half closed and breathing heavily.

"Even that pitiful fucker will be alright," Revive continued, when he saw where her attention had gone.

"As long as he can still whine and move, it can't too shit. Probably has a bad concussion from getting his head used as a marching drum. I'll check on him in a moment," the paramedic said shaking his head and then fixed Isabella again.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now