FORTY - Borrowed time

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Iron Knuckles

It was the middle of the night but Knux was once again lying awake staring into the darkness. Isabella was cuddled into his side with her head resting on his chest and her leg wrapped over his lower stomach. They were both naked as they had fallen asleep tangled up in each other, after Knux had made good on his promise and Isabella had basically begged him that she could touch him. Not that she ever needed to beg for something like that. He wanted her to touch him as much as she needed his touch.

Knux had managed to clean them both up a bit before he had also nodded off, only to be roused by a bad dream just a few short hours later.

He wasn't usually prone to having nightmares but finding his girl hurt and scared out of her mind a couple of days ago in the laundry room, had rattled him to his core. He had woken because his head kept repeating the same terrifying scene, but it wasn't always Isabella as she was now. She was gradually getting younger and younger and in the last sequence, before he woke up with a racing heart and his whole body covered in cold sweat, it hadn't been Isabella sitting under the table but a little girl with dark curls and striking blue eyes. She looked like the perfect mix of him and Isabella. While Knux didn't know how any daughter of them would look like, he was sure that his head had come up with a pretty convincing image.

If he would ever find his own daughter in such a state, heads would be rolling. Even with Isabella he was ready to make whoever was responsible suffer in a very cruel way. The ideas that have appeared in his head made even him a little wary of himself. Maybe Isabella wasn't the only one that should see a shrink.

His girl smacked her lips, drawing his attention away from the dark thoughts. She snuggled more into him but didn't wake up. She made a few more cute noises and he had to smile. He loved this girl with all of his heart. And he was glad that she was at least sleeping better this night. Cuddling her impossibly closer, he pressed a kiss to her head. He should try to sleep again. He had a full day at work ahead of him and then there was party in the evening that they needed to attend.


Isabella was staring at the modern, two-level house that was coming into view. Roman's best friend Anton Sturbinger lived in a semi-large villa in the richest suburb of the city. Anton's father was the CLO and founder of a major legal firm and Anton was following his father's footsteps in becoming a lawyer. As far as Isabella knew, Anton had just passed his final exams and was had started working at his father's company. At the same time he apparently moved out into his own house. She was sure that he'd probably be engaged within the next year or so. That was how things went in this world.

She tried to recall all of the other details she knew about people that would most likely attending tonight's party. She had even done some research on her computer during the day. She wanted to be at least partially up to date with those people.

Had it really only been a few weeks since she had moved away from home?

It felt like much longer.

"The guys are close by," Knux said, while he parked the car, next to several others, which were mostly expensive, fast sports cars. 

They had taken one of Wrecker's oldtimers - a full restored Ford Mustang from the 1960's - that made them stand out but not as much as Knux's bike would have. It was classy enough to be considered fancy.

Isabella could see her brother's midnight blue car standing at the other end of the parking space in front of the villa. At least he was really going to be here. She had worried whether Roman would actually show up. The request had been so strange.

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