ELEVEN - Bringing her home

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Trigger warning: description of violence and PTSD-related anxiety/shock towards the end of the chapter. 

Iron Knuckles

Coming from the gym Knux and Isabella dropped onto his bed and didn't get up for the next hour. Isabella slept curled up in his side. Retelling the horrors she had gone through had exhausted her completely. Knux was also tired, but sleep eluded him because he kept imagining Isabella as a young girl enduring unspeakable terrors every week. He felt like going crazy with the need to protect her from any further harm. He wanted to avenge her and he would, but the untamable fury had turned into a burning hatred against Monsieur Jaques and Isabella's parents. He was back in control but that didn't mean that his revenge would be any less painful and merciless.

After Isabella woke up again, they didn't talk much. Knux kept showering her with kisses and soft touches, nibbling on her sensitive spots, which made her sigh happily and he let her drop into subspace once more where she rode herself on his thigh until she climaxed with a happy, blissful smile on her lips.

Knux loved seeing her happy and marveled at the fact that she was able to trust him like this. She deserved to be happy and he wanted to be the person to make her happy.

By the time he emerged from the shower, which he had foregone earlier, there was little time left before they had to head out. Isabella insisted on redressing his hands and he let her. It seemed important to her, so Knux couldn't deny her this, even if he normally preferred to not have his hands wrapped up in bandages.

Isabella then dragged him to her room to get changed. She was really unsure about what to wear to a biker bar and Knux admit that she didn't really own any clothes that would make her fit in there. He personally didn't care but he knew that she did. In the end, he got another one of his club shirts for her, which she wore with some simple black jeans and black sneakers. She would stand out because none of the girls at the bar wore this much clothes but this way everyone would know she was with him and the Steel Rebels and they would think twice about making comments.

When Knux and Isabella reached the bar, it was loud and full and rowdy as it was usual for a weekend night. He had tried to tell Isabella about what to expect, while they grabbed burgers on the way, but she still seemed surprised and worried. He kept her tucked to his side as they passed Daredevil who was manning the door. The younger brother just nodded at them while he proceeded to check the IDs of a few girls in tiny outfits. The club girls weren't the only women interested in getting laid by a biker and the club's bar was the best place in town to find one.

"You okay?" Knux asked while he steered Isabella over to the bar.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." She sounded terribly nervous. He pressed a kiss on her hair.

Arrow, the head bartender, came over after he had served another customer.
"Knuckles, I see you brought Babydoll. Do I need to keep an eye out for her?" Arrow asked.

Knux guessed someone, probably Hazzard or Wrecker, had told him that Isabella wasn't of drinking age yet.

"No," he shook his head and accepted a beer from him, "she'll be with me the whole evening." He doubted that she would leave his side or that he would let her, except when using the bathroom.

"Alright. Pink Lady has been asking about you again," Arrow nodded. 

Knux rolled his eyes. 

Pink Lady was the daughter of the president of the Rolling Bandits who ruled a few towns over. Knux had slept with her about half a year ago after he had gotten hammered one night. He didn't know who she was, thinking that she was just another horny biker girl. But when he woke the next morning in her shabby motel room and saw her cut, shit had hit the fan. 

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