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Isabella woke up the early hours of the morning wrapped snuggly and safely in Knux's arms like she had done so far every morning this week. It didn't matter how they fell asleep - which was usually with her head resting on his chest as she curled up in his side - in the morning Knux was spooning her. It was like he was protecting her even in her sleep.

Knux had his face buried in her hair and she could feel his warm breath on her scalp. Isabella tried to find her phone with her eyes but she couldn't remember where she had dropped her stuff last night. It seemed like her head was still a bit mushy and slow. The things that had happened between them last night had somehow overwhelmed her and she was still recovering. Or then it was normal to feel the aftermath of a mind-blowing orgasm still the next day?

How would she know. Still a week ago she had been contemplating whether she could ever enjoy being this intimate with someone or whether she could get really aroused. And now she was calling her boyfriend daddy and letting him touch her most intimate parts, while she happily rubbed her butt over his erection. It had been hot and naughty and she had liked how the new nicknames had taken their relationship to the next level. The way Knux had talked as daddy had turned her on so much that it brought a flush to her cheeks just thinking about it. Was it weird? Was she weird? Had Knux just gone along because she had been so into it?

So many unanswered questions popped into her mind that she closed her eyes again with a groan, hoping that her brain would just shut up. She didn't want to deal with her restless mind right now.

"Something wrong, precious?" Knux's sleepy voice made her eyes snap open again.

"No," she replied, not wanting to elaborate, "just trying to figure out the time."

"Hmm," he agreed, "it's early because my alarm hasn't gone off. Sleep, my sweet girl. You're probably still tired. Last night was a little intense."

She blushed. She was tired but she doubted that sleep would come again, since her brain had already jump-started the day. But she understood that Knux probably wanted to sleep some more.

"I'll try," she thus promised.

He hummed behind her.
"Let me help you."

His hand found its way into her hair and he started to scratch her head. How he knew that she really liked head scratches, Isabella didn't know but like with so many things, Knux worked his magic on her and she was back asleep within a minute.


A couple of hours later Isabella made her way to the kitchen to get breakfast.

Knux's alarm had jolted them awake a little while ago and after sharing a few sweet good-morning-kisses, Isabella had gone to her room to get dressed for the day. She had only realized in her room that she had been wearing Knux's boxershorts. She faintly remembered him helping her clean up last night, when she had been unable to function properly. She didn't regret what they had done, Knux had been as gentle and considerate as all the other times, letting her decide how far to take things. But she did wonder if it bothered him that she needed so much help.

Ever since moving to the club house she's felt unhinged and unstable and somehow it ended always with Knux helping her through her emotional rollercoaster. She wished she knew how to give back as much as she took.

Arriving in the kitchen after showering and changing, she found most people already eating. Knux had already taken a seat at the table that the officers tended to occupy and was chatting with Duke and Keep, while digging into his plate. Isabella turned to greet Kitty, who was busy frying breakfast for everyone. Normally Kitty wore her red hair open but now she had it tied on top of her head in a messy bun. She also wore an apron. Isabella hadn't known that the club even owned kitchen aprons but considering the state that Kitty's was in, it was a good thing. Otherwise the red-haired woman would have needed to change all of her clothes after breakfast duty. The apron was full of pancake batter splashes and grease stains and the area around the stove looked like it would need a deep clean once breakfast service was over.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now