EPILOGUE - Long shot

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Iron Knuckles

Two weeks later, Knux was still sitting in a cell but a different one in the prison about an hour away from the city. His trial on the previous day had been a biased shitshow from beginning to end. By now Knux had realized several things:

1) He really should have taken Isabella's worry more serious.

2) Someone was out to ruin him.

3) Their legal system was more crooked than he had previously thought, because he had gone charged and convicted for a crime that he didn't do based on false and incomplete evidence.

4) He really needed get a hold of his anger issues. They just got him in even more trouble.

5) He couldn't sleep anymore properly without Isabella snuggled into him.

All in all, he could say that life was pretty shit at the moment.


There was a gaping hole in Isabella's heart. It felt almost as if she had been the one that had been shot two week ago and not Benjamin, whose coffin she watched being lowered into the ground. She tried to keep the tears at bay but it was hard after the two horrible weeks that she had had. She wasn't only crying for the young man that had been murdered but also for what she had lost in the process.

Her heart ached so badly because of how much she missed Knux and now it seemed that she wouldn't even see him for a very long time - not even from afar. Yesterday had been his trial, where he was wrongly imprisoned for having ordered the killing shot.

She, of course, hadn't been allowed to attend, just like she hadn't been allowed to witness for him. She didn't even have a chance to contact anyone because since she didn't know where her phone was. Since the night of Benjamin's murder it had been missing. She hoped that one of the Steel Rebels had taken it, just like they hopefully had the listening device that had been in her purse. She didn't want that her father would get a hold of it.

She had been completely shut off from the outside world for the last two weeks. For the first week she had actually been locked in her room and only allowed out for dinner. Breakfast had always been brought to her room by a maid and one of the security guys that seemed to now be everywhere in the building. The maid never spoke to her and Isabella had never seen her before in her parents' household. The dinners were terrible, because Roman was hardly there, he was apparently very busy currently, but Isabella guessed that her parents kept him away intentionally.

Most of the time it was just her mother, Valery and Melody - like before. And most dinner consisted of her having to listen to their mother badmouthing her. It got even to the point that Melody gave her pity-filled looks over the castigations she received. Valery on the other hand agreed wholeheartedly with their mother.

Isabella was egoistic, fat whore, that had almost ruined the whole family.

That seemed to be the theme for her family currently. Everything was blamed on Isabella and while she knew that they said most of these things simply because they could, she could also feel the effect these words had on her.

She had just started to get better and now she her head was filled again with self-hate, bad memories and destructive emotions.

But she would adjust she told herself daily. She would deal with this.


The weeks with Knux and her new friends have been eye-opening, healing and probably the best of her life. And even though it ended so suddenly as if she had run into a brick wall, she wasn't done with that part of her life.

No matter what everyone around her thought.

She didn't dare to think that she could ever really escape her parents, but she would do everything she could to help Knux get out of prison. He shouldn't be sitting in there in the first place. He was innocent.

Somehow she would figure out what really happened. And then she would expose the truth. She was done being the coward.

She would save Knux.

Like he had saved her. He had saved her by loving her unconditionally, by making her understand that she was enough, by showing her that she had a voice.

And she was going to use this voice.

She just needed some time to somehow mend her broken heart a bit. She knew it would never be whole again without him, but hopefully at some point it wouldn't feel like someone had shot through her chest.

The funeral drew to an end and everyone went to place flowers on the open grave. When it was Isabella's turn, she stepped close to the pit and crouched down to put the flower crown made of forget-me-nots onto the coffin. She had found them in the garden, after she had finally been allowed to leave her room again.

"This shouldn't have happened," she said quietly to Benjamin. "I'm sorry."

When she got up again, she wiped her eyes a bit. Raising her gaze again, she looked past her parents and saw several several people standing pretty far off. With a skip of her heart she realized that they were her friends from the club. Worry settled inside of her. She hoped that they wouldn't come over, because she didn't want more of them entangled in problems. Her father would make sure that there would be consequences.

But luckily they stayed where they were. Wrecker gave her a nod as if he wanted to ensure her of something. Of what, she wasn't sure. But she wanted to think that they wouldn't forget about her. At least not right away. And she was glad that they didn't seem angry with her for partially causing this mess.

If she had never gone to meet her brother, Knux wouldn't be in jail right now.

That something even worse might have happened instead, she didn't want to think about right now. It would send her into another panic attack that she couldn't afford to have at this moment.

Isabella didn't dare to acknowledge the club president's greeting. Her father had already seen the Steel Rebels and was giving her an angry look. She saw some of the security guys heading over to her friends but they retreated before any real confrontation could happen.

She went back to her spot next to Roman, who looked as sad as she felt.

This wasn't over yet. Not by a long shot.

*** The End ***

This is the end of Babydoll but not the end of Isabella's and Knux's story.

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