THIRTYFOUR - Liar, liar, pants on fire

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Iron Knuckles

"Are you really planning on hitting anyone tonight, babe?" Knux asked Isabella quietly.

They had just arrived outside of the bar. The others were already heading in but Knux let him and Isabella fall behind.

"I don't know," Isabella said and gave him one of her sweet smiles. "It would probably not have the effect I want it to have. You heard Hazzard, apparently a kid has more strength than me."

She was once again tucked under his arm, looking up a little cheekily.

"Hmm," Knux hummed.

He wasn't sure what to make out of the situation. On the one hand he had said that she could punch Pink Lady but he never expected her to actually planning to do that. It was just too much out of character.

"Alright. I mean, I'm not going to stop you. She more than deserves it. But Pink Lady is not just some annoying bitch. She's also the daughter of the president from another MC."

Knux gave his girl a serious look. He didn't know if anyone had told her. But by the surprised face she made he guessed not. She needed to understand that there might be consequences - especially since the Rolling Bastards had made their offer.

"Oh. I didn't know. Are you friends with them?" She asked.

"Not really. I mean we haven't had any trouble with them so far, but the DOTD have and we're friends with them," he explained. "But they want to gain influence around here. That's why this whole bullshit with Pink Lady has come up. Apparently she made her father believe that I knocked her up and that's why we should start working with them."

Isabella looked even more surprised. They had stopped walking and she had turned to face him.

"And are you going to do that? I mean, work with them?" She asked slowly.

"No," Knux said decisively. "They are doing shit that we don't want to be involved in. Drugs and stuff. They had also at one point been running an underground whorehouse. We could never support that. But we also don't want to have them necessarily on our bad side, you know? They are dangerous people without much morals."

Isabella looked a little scared but nodded like she understood.
"Ok. I won't do anything. I mean, I anyways wouldn't hit her if she's really pregnant. I was just so angry earlier at everyone and everything that I thought it was a good idea."

Her admission was shy and she averted her gaze. Knux smiled. There was his sweet, kind girl again. She didn't hold anger for long - at least not the explosive kind.

"I understand, precious. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you."


Knux and the rest of the officers were sitting at their regular table. Isabella was as usual perched on his leg and leaning into him. He held her very close, once again needing to prove the point that she was with him. He had seen the looks she had gotten for her get up, even though she seemed to be again oblivious to the attraction she held.

Wrecker was given them an annoyed look though form across the table. The club president didn't like it that Isabella was taking part in the discussion to come but he also hadn't said anything against it. Thus, Knux wouldn't ask her to leave. Isabella was as good as his Old Lady and since it wasn't just a meeting concerning some club business and the accusations also affected her in way, she had a right to be here. Knux wouldn't let her to be a bystander in this. It would give the wrong impression - like she wasn't important enough to him. Wrecker knew it and that was why he kept quiet.

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