FIVE - Onions & tomatoes

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An hour later Isabella sat in the back office of Iron Knuckles' shop where he sold all kinds of army surplus and different kinds of outdoor things. For most of the items she had no idea what they would be used for and she didn't dare to ask. Iron Knuckles had left to do something in the front of the shop after setting her up behind his desk. So she could work properly, as he said.

She was still slightly suspicious about him being this nice. Because he didn't really know her but he kept behaving like she was the most important person for him. There had to be some catch or was he just doing this to get her to have sex with him? It seemed far fetched but to Isabella it felt like that was the goal for most men in the club. 

The thought of sleeping with Iron Knuckles scared her, even if she really, really liked him. But sex in the society that she had grown up in was about what and when the man wanted it and that sometimes it could hurt was just something she needed to accept. Isabella remembered her mother very clearly telling her time and time again that once she had a husband, it was her duty to be available for him. 

This knowledge coupled with the fact that she had never really been aroused made her scared that sex would hurt no matter what. She had to admit that she had felt something like arousal when Iron Knuckles had whispered in her ear and nibbled on it during breakfast. But that had probably been just her being weird once again because who got horny from that? 

Thus, she wasn't at all sure that she could give whatever Iron Knuckles expected from her in return. But maybe it wouldn't be so bad, she tried to console herself. He was very good looking and while he could be scary he seemed to be more like a gentle giant with her - an incredibly fit and strong giant with badass tattoos and who rode a huge motorbike and kept calling her precious and who seemed to have the patience of a saint and who had the tendency to haul her around like she weighed hardly anything and who hadn't said anything offensive or suggestive to her. Maybe he would be sweet enough to make sure it didn't hurt too much, she thought. Maybe he would also be sweet enough to help her keep her dark memories at bay.

Isabella's head was still swirling with questions she didn't have an answer to, when Iron Knuckles came back into the office half an hour later.

"Everything alright, precious?"

Isabella blushed because she had literally been lost in her head the whole time he was away.

"Err, I'm okay," she replied slowly and finally proceeded to open her laptop.

"You sure?" 

He kneeled down next to the chair and spun her to face him. His head was now finally around the same height as hers. 

Talk about height difference.

Isabella started to gnarl on her lip because she was nervous.
"Yeah." Her answer was slightly breathless, since she was back to being nervous as hell around him.

His eyes zeroed in on her lips and she saw him swallow.
"Sweet girl," he purred like he had done earlier in her room and it seemed to turn Isabella's insides into a puddle of goo.

"Yeah," she squeaked nervously, which pulled his focus away from her lips.

"Do you want some coffee or something?" 

It felt like he wanted to say something completely different. 

She bobbed her head up and down.
"Coffee it is then," he nodded and got up again.


Iron Knuckles came to visit her in the office several times throughout the day. 

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