SIXTEEN - Good girl

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Isabella still wasn't sure how she felt about Gina being thrown out of the club because of what happened earlier when she made her way up to their rooms with Knux rather late in the evening. She understood that it wasn't exactly her fault but she hated to be the cause for someone loosing their place in the club. And she worried that Vixen would take revenge, even though she hadn't seen the woman for the rest of the evening.

Knux had still gone to train after dinner, because of the upcoming matches in a week and Duke had convinced Isabella to play pool with him, Pepper and Moose. She had never played pool before and quite spectacularly twice on her first shot potted the black ball and thus ended the game. Luckily, everyone had just laughed, and they had restarted the game. After the mental strain from the previous hours, it had been rather relaxing to play, especially since Knux had somehow managed to work his calming magic on her during dinner. She had felt so lost and anxious before he had come home. But he had just picked her up and let her get her emotions out, before calming her with food and soft encouragements.

Just like magic.

"Are we sleeping in my room tonight, precious?" Knux asked when they were walking along the corridor, ripping Isabella out of her contemplation.

Until now they had always stayed in Isabella's room but probably he wanted to sleep in his own bed again. Her's was a bit too short for him.

"Okay, sure," she agreed.

She had only been a couple of times in his room so far.

"Good. I'll take a shower already. Come over whenever you want."

Knux pressed a kiss to the top of her head, before disappearing into his room.

For some reason Isabella felt nervous while she got ready to head over to Knux's room for the night. The idea of staying in his room somehow seemed to mean something more than the previous nights they had spent together. Most of them they hadn't done much more than cuddle and sleep. Since her breakdown on Saturday night, Knux had been even more careful with her and kept things very sweet and innocent. It wasn't that Isabella minded him taking things slow but she had also liked when they had been doing more. She had liked his dominant side and when he kissed her like he wanted make her forget her own name - and succeeded. She really liked those kisses and when he did things to her that made her fall into subspace. Thinking back the few times she had been in that euphoric, floaty mental space had been really freeing in a way, because she was detached from all the troubles that usually bugged her mind.

She had done some research about the lifestyle during the last days while she was staying at the club house and even had watched some videos, which in retrospective maybe wasn't the best thing to do in her current mind set. The things she had seen people do on those videos left more questions than answers in her head. And most importantly made her wonder just how much Knux was into those practices and how much he wanted to do with her and also how much she would feel comfortable to do. She couldn't see herself ever wanting to be tied up in a lot of ropes like she had seen. Or be hit with a whip or have her nipples in some clamps or be forced to orgasm by a vibrator. And she didn't even want to think about anything that involved needles or knives. But she didn't want to think that Knux was into that. It seemed too extreme.

Knux's shower was still running when Isabella let herself into his room. Feeling shy, she took a seat on his bed that was loosely made. She looked around in his room, which was similar to hers but bigger, with a much larger bed than the one in her room. He had one wall covered with a closet and a desk that seemed to be more of a place where he dropped things, instead of using it for its intended purpose. Some clothes were thrown over the chair. On the wall opposite of the bed hung a big TV.

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