THIRTYONE - Kneel and wait

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Knux didn't release the hold he had on Isabella. The large hand on her butt started to massage it in gentle but sure kneading motions and Isabella's knees buckled a little. She really liked when he did that. Knux didn't let her fall, as he kept her pressed into his chest. He placed little kisses on her neck and nibbled on the sensitive skin there. Isabella moaned. She had missed this in the last few days, when it had been more important for Knux to heal. But after the strenuous few days, it felt like this was what she needed. She needed the mental lightness that came when she completely let go.

"How do you want me to make you fly, babygirl?" He asked while continuing to tease her neck and butt.

Isabella pressed herself even closer to Knux. The question was familiar. Every time they started to get intimate he would ask what she wanted to do. She liked the feeling of security that it gave her. But most of the time she handed the decision making back to him. She usually couldn't come up with any clear idea and she trusted that he didn't try anything she wasn't ready to do. But she loved trying whatever he had suggested so far.

"Can we do something new, daddy?" She thus asked eagerly.

She felt brave and excited by doing something new. The novelty of the experiences fed her curious mind that she normally tried to keep in check.

Knux chuckled like he had expected the answer.
"Always so eager, babygirl. Daddy likes that."

Isabella's knees buckled once again. And again she didn't fall. She was still safe in his arms while he started to drive her nuts with his butt massage. She kept moaning into his chest.

"Can I taste you tonight?" He asked against her skin.

It took Isabella a few moments to fully understand the question and it divided her mind into almost unrestrained curiosity about the experience but also fear. Because it meant that he would finally see how broken her body was down there. She knew that at some point Knux would have to see the scars because she wanted to have sex with him. But now, when confronted with the prospect of letting him see parts of herself that she hated looking at herself, she couldn't help but be scared.

Isabella could feel her breath speed up involuntarily. However, she tried to stay calm by inhaling deeply. She didn't want her head to spiral out of control again. Not now. Not when she had been doing so well for a few days. She didn't want to ruin the moment that they were having. Isabella focused on her breathing for a little while longer and slowly her head cleared up again and she was able to think past her worry.

"I want to," she finally said to Knux who had been patiently waiting for an answer.

He knew by now that she sometimes needed time to sort her head.

Isabella licked her lips nervously.
"But could we turn off the lights? I don't think I can do this yet, when I know you can see everything, you know. It's really not pretty," she admitted quietly.

"Okay, lights off then. But you do know that whatever scars you have, don't change how I feel about you," Knux replied calmly.

Isabella made a hesitant agreeing sound. She really wanted to believe that but years of self doubt and body-shaming were a strong opponent. Knux released the hold he had on her and took her face into both of his hands, tilting it up, so she had to look him in the eye.

"You don't believe me," he said slowly.

"I want to," she replied honestly. "But my head is really doubtful."

Knux gave her a wistful but gentle smile.
"Your little head has the tendency to overthink stuff. Try listening to you heart. What does it say?"

Isabella was taken aback by the request but she tried to ignore the voices in her mind.

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