THIRTYSIX - A rare find

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Iron Knuckles

Knux pulled slowly away from Isabella. He couldn't help but smile at the adorable, slightly love drunk look she was giving him. He was happy. While this wasn't at all how he had imagined his proposal to go, he didn't care for it. The end result counted. She had said yes. A very happy, slightly teary yes, but a yes that he felt she really wanted to give. Even though it had come much more quickly than anyone could have anticipated.

There would have been no way that he could have gone along with a fake engagement. He didn't want anything fake between them. While he in a way could see the logic in her thinking, he was still quite upset over it. And for once, he would have to be a bit stricter with his girl tonight. She surely wouldn't suggest something like this ever again.

"My silly sweet girl," he said quietly and pressed another kiss to her lips.

The others were celebrating them but he didn't really listen. Isabella sighed and closed her eyes. His best guess was that she had already started to mentally float off. Probably all the emotional turmoil had exhausted her and him putting all of his feelings into the previous kiss had sent his girl straight towards subspace.

"Look at me," he told her softly.

She opened her eyes again but her look was hazy. She gave him a big, happy smile.

"I love you, babygirl," he said. "Let's go upstairs."

She nodded but didn't answer. She needed time to come down. Knux lifted her to straddle him and then got up.

"Thanks eyeryone. Let's celebrate on Friday," he told the others.

Most seemed happy. Some of the guys were making some slightly crude but well meant comments. Wrecker was shaking his head but grinned as well.

"I'll go buy some champagne. And we'll talk about the weekend later."

Knux nodded in thanks and then walked out with his arms full of his little fiancée.


In their room Knux let Isabella down next to the bed. She gave him another sweet, slightly shy smile, but she was slowly coming back to reality.

"Babygirl," he said and sat down on the bed, keeping her standing.

"Yes, daddy?"

Her voice was soft and innocent. It would be difficult for him to stay strict when she was so sweet and agreeable. But he had to get his point across.

"You know, I had planned already something a little different for tonight. But this will have to wait, first we need to discuss a few things," he told her sternly. "I'm still very happy that you want to become my wife but I'm not exactly happy about what happened before that."

She gave him an insecure, guilty look, like she knew she had done something wrong.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked because he wanted to know if she understood why he had been so angry earlier.

"For breaking the no-pretending rule," she replied earnestly.

Knux nodded.
"Apology accepted. I understand why you did it though. Not that I think it was a good reason to break it but I understand. You were worried."

"Yes," she agreed.

"But next time something like this scares you so much, you first talk with me and we'll try to find a solution together. Okay, babygirl?"

He stressed the word together because they were supposed to be a team.

"Yes, daddy," she nodded nervously.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now