NINETEEN - Little hands

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Iron Knuckles


Isabella seemed calm again as she shook her head. Obviously her mind had once again gone towards a state of worry, when he had just wanted to talk things through. Knux wondered if he should have anticipated the reaction. Maybe she was so used to be told off or punished for doing something wrong that she couldn't help but get nervous when someone was trying to have a serious talk.

"Good," he nodded.

Talking had also settled the raging need inside of him to have her. His usual control was back and he needed to be in control for her. She had surprised him with her sensual get-up and for a little while it had gotten his focus off track. Normally there was no risk for him to loose control when he was intimate with someone, but with her everything was a little different - more intense and with more meaning.

He leaned forward and gave her a small kiss. She sighed against his lips like she had been waiting for it.

"Close your eyes," he told her.

When she had followed his request, he got up and walked over to his closet to retrieve a tie. He didn't have a lot of formal wear, because he simply didn't need it very often but he had a couple of ties that probably would come in handy when they were playing - not just for blindfolding but also in case he would tie her down at some point. He had also other equipment but they would see what she felt comfortable trying in the future.

Back at the bed, he kneeled behind her and placed the tie over her eyes.

"How does it feel?" He asked when he had finished tying.

"Fine?" She replied and moved her head around to see if it would fall down.

"Good. How do you feel?"

He placed his hands on her shoulders, she shivered in surprise at the touch.


Again it sounded more than a question than a statement and he wasn't fully satisfied with the answer.

"Does this trigger you?"

He remember how she had screamed in fear on Sunday when he had surprised her by coming up from behind her. He didn't want to scare her.

"I, no, umm," she stuttered, "it's not like that. I'm just really jumpy."

"Alright. How about I try to keep skin contact and if I need to move away, I'll tell you," he offered.

"Okay. Thank you," she nodded and relaxed under his hands.

"Of course, babygirl. Nothing we're doing should scare you or cause you discomfort," he promised and let his hands run down her arms to take her hands in his.

He gently placed them palms down on her thighs and then moved his hands back to her shoulders to turn them backwards. Isabella stayed quiet while he corrected her posture until he was satisfied.

"This, babygirl, is one of the most basic positions for a submissive," he explained calmly. "It's called kneel. From now on, if I tell you to kneel, I want you sitting like this. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she whispered clearly excited.

He smiled. He had wondered if she was actually serious about really trying some BDSM things but since she had admitted to already reading about stuff, he guessed that she wanted to learn. Teaching her some positions seemed like a good start.

"Good girl," he praised and she shivered in pleasure.

He had a suspicion that his girl had a little praise kink but it was still a little too early in their relationship to tell. Maybe she just liked to hear it because hardly anyone had praised her in her life so far.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now