TWENTYFIVE - Nasal fracture

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On Tuesday morning Isabella dragged herself out of bed, even though she would have preferred to not leave the safety and comfort of Knux's embrace. He was only dropping her off to class today and Chazz would be keeping an eye on her for the whole day as Knux had to work. She hoped that Alisa and her friends would bother her less today, since Knux wasn't around but maybe they would round up on Chazz instead. She felt somehow sorry for him. But on the other hand Kitty, Helium, Pepper, Hellcat and Cougar were planning to visit her during the day and maybe have a chat with the girls that had bothered them the day before. Isabella was quite concerned about this.

After Knux's boxing therapy for her the previous evening - which had been pretty effective in Isabella's opinion as it had helped her get rid of the immense amount of anger she had felt - the other women had guided her to a quiet corner in the living room and made her retell the whole day. They had been very understanding of her anger but when they had started making plans of actually confronting the girls, Isabella had started to feel apprehensive. She hoped that her new friends weren't really planning to hurt her class mates. She would never hit Alisa and her group of friends even though she had said it while upset. But Isabella had seen how Kitty had attacked Gina without much hesitation and the other women seemed to be just as ready to raise their fists if necessary.

"Call me, if you need me, okay?" Knux said against her lips.

He had just given her another of his kisses that turned her head into mush after she had climbed of his bike in the campus parking lot. Isabella just nodded. His hold on her was possessive and strong and she didn't want him to leave. But she also knew that he had to get to work. He had already taken an extra day off yesterday to be with her at her first day back. For the next two days Chazz would be on Babydoll-watch as the girls had called it.

It was strangely comforting to see that nobody seemed to wonder why Isabella needed someone to watch her back. Not comforting in the way that she wished such situation on anyone else but rather that they had really accepted her as one of them and that they treated her like they treated everyone else in the club.

"Good. Then I will see you tonight at home. I'll be back already before you but I'm probably at the gym preparing for Thursday. Come and find me there, okay?"

He watched her seriously.

Again Isabella nodded.

She tried to smile.

"I love you."

Knux's face pulled into a soft smile that made her heart jump a little. She liked him smiling like that.

"I know, precious. You were very adamant about it last night."

Isabella blushed.

Last night in bed, she had been all over him - kissing him, cuddling him, touching him and telling him very often that she loved him. It was like her brain wanted to make sure that he understood that after the day that they had. And Knux had just smiled along and ensured her while she clumsily tried to make her claim clear.

Knux gave her another kiss.
"I love you, too. But now you need to go. Your class starts in five minutes."

Isabella sighed and nodded again. "You're right. I'll see you tonight."

Then after a final small kiss she turned to head to her first lecture of the day.


Chazz followed Isabella, staying right beside her as she led them across the campus.

"Thank you for coming with me today," she told him. "I'm sure you have other things to do."

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now