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Moose hat several bruises and a few cuts on his arms and fingers that Isabella cleaned while Pepper went and got ice for her Old Man. Isabella kept her back turned to the ring where Knux's second match had already started. She had only risked a few short looks to see that it was just as brutal as the fights before. Knux was this time fighting a guy, who looked like he could lift an entire house. His fighter name was Goliath. He was a bit shorter than Knux but close to twice his width. Goliath's lower arms were probably as wide as Isabella's thighs.

"Knux is winning, you know?" Moose said and nodded towards the ring.

Loud, excited shouting started to rise from the audience and Isabella turned around slightly unwillingly. Knux was on his knees behind Goliath and had one of his arms wrapped tightly around the larger man's neck. It looked like he was choking his opponent. Goliath's face was red and puffy like he was short on air. Still he tried to hit Knux but even to Isabella it seemed uncoordinated. However, he did land a few blows Knux's face.

"He'll tap out," Moose commented and accepted the ice pack that Pepper was handing him.

Pepper dropped on the bench next to her Old Man.

"El Toro is waking up," she said quietly but Isabella heard her and her gaze went over to the fighter that was propped up on one of the field cots. 

Revive was crouching next to him and the couple of guys, that had dragged the unconscious fighter over to the First Aid station earlier, hovered close by.

Moose scoffed, but didn't turn around.
"Good for him."

He didn't sound like he really cared that the other man was alright. Even from here Isabella could see that El Toro's face was starting to bruise, where Moose's foot had connected.

"Little dipshit got what he deserved," Moose growled.

Isabella was surprised to see him look angry. Until now Moose had been pretty relaxed whenever she met him. Pepper pursed her lips, like she didn't like the situation, but stayed quiet.

The bell rang and Isabella's head whipped back to the ring, while the room erupted into roaring cheers. Knux released Goliath from his hold and Isabella saw the larger man cough and splutter. Knux stood up and offered Goliath a hand up. Only then he let himself be declared the winner of the fight by the referee. The moderator shouted something but it was drown out by the people celebrating Knux's victory.

Isabella watched Knux exit the metal fence again and right away the pink-haired ring girl attached herself to his side.

What the hell?

Isabella felt hurt and almost unbearable jealousy rise in her chest. After Knux's first fight Isabella had been too surprised and worried to let jealousy settle inside of her. And also the women hadn't known that Knux was taken but now, everyone had seen them together. Right? This felt like a very bad dejavu from Monday.

"Ahh, Pink Lady again. Man, that is a persistent bitch," Moose commented dryly.

"You know her?" Isabella asked warily, looking back at Moose.

"Yeah, the whole club knows her. Knux fucked her once drunk, not knowing she's the Rolling Bastard's president's daughter. Knux told her to get lost because we aren't going to get cozy with those fuckers but she's still trying her luck."

Isabella's mouth dropped partly in shock and partly because she realized that this was probably one of the stupid things that Knux said he did when drunk. Her shoulders dropped at that realization and her jealousy lost its aggressive touch.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now