THIRTYTHREE - Boom boom boom

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The night and next day were difficult for Isabella. Her and Knux didn't talk much. It seemed after his rant and apology he had said enough. He didn't want to talk more and Isabella didn't push him. Respecting his need for space, the same way he gave her space when she needed it. 

She had laid awake for most of the night trying to sort her thoughts, while listening to Knux's snoring. Apparently, he snored when he was drunk. She still felt the effects of her period but the painkillers made it bearable. She would be alright.

Isabella realized after pondering over everything he had said that Knux was more hurt than angry. Wrecker's disbelieval was much worse for him than someone saying lies behind his back. Knux was nothing but honest. He took responsibility for his actions. And he placed a lot of trust in people he cared about. Wrecker had broken that trust. She understood that it was a hard situation to come to terms with.

On Friday, Isabella had a long day at college and also Knux came back only at dinner time. After dinner he went to the gym, leaving Isabella alone to join the others on their party night. It was a little awkward and Wrecker kept throwing glances her way like he wanted to say something but didn't. She wondered if he knew how upset Knux was with him. Isabella played a few rather lousy rounds of pool and then chatted with Pepper and Moose for a little while, before bidding her goodnight early. She had wanted to talk with Kitty but the red head was working. Her other new girlfriends had been all busy with someone, so Isabella hadn't wanted to interrupt. Knux came back to their room only in the middle of the night. This time he wasn't drunk, he was just drenched in sweat from working out. He was still not talking. His hands were even more broken than before and he also had a split lip. From what Isabella didn't ask, but she still cleaned and wrapped his hands and he let her without complaint. He then snuggled her into his chest when they had turned of the lights and held her tightly like he was afraid that she would go. Isabella hugged him back trying to silently tell him that she wasn't going anywhere. It took a while but at some point she fell into a fitful sleep.


Isabella spent Saturday studying while Knux was at work. She was tired and cranky and didn't want to see anyone. Therefore, she hid in their room for most of the day, distracting herself with her books and notes. Her first exam was already on Monday and while it wasn't the most difficult topic, she wanted to be prepared.

She hoped that Knux and her would stay at home this evening. She didn't feel like going to the bar or interacting with a lot of people. She was beginning to feel as gloomy as Knux had looked for the last two days. She worried that she would say things that she didn't fully mean because her temper was rising. It felt like now that Knux had his own troubles to deal with and couldn't help her like he used to, she was beginning to realize that she was currently unable to control her own emotions. She had been leaning onto Knux for the last weeks, to catch her and somehow share part of the emotional load that she seemed to carry around. And now that she couldn't do that anymore, because she didn't want to cause him more worry, she didn't know how to deal. It upset her and made her even more angry. 

She was angry with Pink Lady for causing trouble out of spite - by now she was convinced that that there wasn't a shred of truth to what the other woman had said. Probably Pink Lady wasn't even pregnant. 

She was angry with Wrecker for hurting Knux like this.

She was angry with herself for being an emotional wreck. If she wasn't so messed up in the head, she could support Knux the way he needed her to. 

She was angry with her parents for turning her into this awkward coward that was afraid all the time. 

Unable to sit in their room any longer and just hide, Isabella stood up abruptly, causing the chair to almost topple over. In angry movements she pulled of her comfy sweater and replaced it with one of Knux's club shirts. Tucking the way too long shirt into the front of her leggings, she looked for her sneakers and then threw her hair into a messy bun. Grabbing her keys and phone, she headed out.

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