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Author's note: someone asked for some more little Isabella. :) I thought she should make a reappearance, because she's cute and it fits with the situation.


"Isabella, can you tell me what happened?"

Isabella forced herself to look at the doctor. It took everything in her to not show how scared she was and run over to where Knux was sitting.

"No," she replied in a quiet voice.

She wanted to hide - preferably in Knux's arms. Ever since she had to let go of him, she had been so afraid again. She couldn't shake the feeling, even though he sat just on the other side of the room, while the doctor checked her head. 

Knux had said that she needed to see a doctor, when he had found the big bump on the back of her head. The bump hurt a lot and she felt a little dizzy. She had tried to protest because she didn't like doctors but he insisted and thus she had given in.

"You don't remember?" The doctor continued asking.

He was nice and had been very careful when he did his exam but everyone that wasn't her Knux scared her right now.

"No," she shook her head but that hurt.

She didn't know what had happened. Knux and Wrecker had asked her the same thing, but she wasn't sure. Her head didn't feel right and the things she remembered didn't make sense. She knew a lot of the things that were currently occupying her mind had happened a long time ago and she didn't know what had happened in the laundry room earlier.

The doctor nodded and then turned, so he could speak to Knux.

"She has a concussion. It should get better within the next few days but at least for tonight she needs to be monitored. You can do it at home. But if she feels worse, you need to come back and we'll do a scan."

Knux nodded.
"We'll do that."


"Let's get some burgers on the way home, alright?" Knux asked, while he was helping Isabella close the seat buckle.

She felt herself relaxing, now that they had finally left the hospital and the two of them were alone again.
"Yes, daddy. Can we also get some chicken nuggets, please?"

She liked really chicken nuggets, even though she only had had them a couple of times before.

Knux gave her a soft smile and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Isabella closed her eyes. His forehead kisses were the best. They made her heart flutter like a butterfly. And it made her feel warm and fuzzy. She liked that.

"Of course. You did really well, babygirl."

Isabella blushed under the praise. Knux had been praising her a lot since he had found her under the table in the laundry room. He had kept saying that she was a good girl and it almost made her forget the memories that reminded her that she hasn't always been good.

"I'm proud that you talked with the doctor. But now let's get some food, I'm hungry and you must be as well. We can also get some ice cream, if you like."

He pressed another kiss to her forehead and then closed her door to head to the driver's side. Isabella smiled. She loved ice cream. 

They were using Moose's big car again. The same one she had been driving in the morning. She liked the car, the seats were very soft and comfy and Knux drove very calmly.

"We saw the baby today," she told him when he had gotten in and started to drive.

"What?" Knux asked confused.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now