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[ Go Gina x SZA ]

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It was early April, SZA's soft voice played over the speakers of my Tesla as I pulled into the parking lot of the beauty supply. My beauty supply.

"Same shit, different day." I mumbled to myself backing into my reserved parking spot in the back of the lot. I pulled down my mirror taking a good look at myself before applying another layer of lip gloss and smacking the mirror back closed. I rolled my eyes at the crowd of parked cars that took over the lot knowing the inside would be busy. Without wasting any more time I made my way inside, making sure to lock my doors behind me, anything was up for grabs on the eastside of Detroit.

"What it do, Boss Lady." Our security guard opened the door for me once I approached the building.

"Hi Vice." I met his fist in the middle before entering the buzzing beauty supply that was full of life at almost any time of day. I headed straight to the back pulling out the keys to my office. A few heads turned and spoke up once I caught their attention I waved back but didn't slow my stride as I didn't plan to linger long. I opened the door to my office letting the sweet smell of my citrus scented wallflower overtake my senses.

Gorgeous Girl's Beauty Supply and salon was co-owned by yours truly. The other half of the business belongs to my older sister, Taven. Together we built what we hoped would be a multimillion dollar business in the near future. We'd invested just as much time as we did money into this establishment. I wasn't really into doing hair myself, mostly because of the client's. I'd heard too many horror stories about hair stylists having clients from hell. However, I still loved the beauty industry and wanted to create a place where girls could find everything they needed to look and feel beautiful. We had our grand opening just short of two years ago and business was thriving. It was a lot more work than I thought it would be but I was grateful to have something to call my own.

"Well, look who finally decided to stroll in today." My sister's nails tapped against my open door as she took her place in the threshold. Taven and I alike inherited my father's espresso tinted skin and my mother's curvaceous frame. She was dressed down for the day in a matching navy blue skims set and her slippers, her hair was freshly done in a beautifully mastered blunt cut she'd done on herself.

"Tav, I'm not in the mood for one of your lectures today." I sighed, plopping down in my off-white desk chair. Taven was exactly three years and one day older than me, and she made sure to let it be known every chance she got. She wasn't bossy until she became the boss.

"No lecture, it's just that next time you're late don't send your ditzy trainee to open up for you. She had my assistant running back and forth between the phone and the store because she can't work the register. I told you, you need to make sure all the girls are properly trained before you send them in here to open. It's bad for business." She continued her lecture anyways entering the room fully, "Raegan are you even listening to me?" She slapped her manicured nails on my desk in front of me.

"I hear you." I rolled my eyes, sliding my sunglasses from my face.

"Yeah, whatever. I advise you to go out there and help your girl, she's got a line out the door." She tapped her rat tail comb against her thigh impatiently waiting for me to get up.

"Okay Tav, anything else you want to complain about the second I walk in or should I make you a suggestion box." I crossed my arms looking up at her. She rolled her eyes before walking back toward the exit.

"Girl, fuck you. I'm out of here in a few hours, you want something done to that nest on your damn head come sit in my chair before then." She flipped me off. I chuckled, popping open my Macbook, I knew my sister meant well but it was frustrating always having her down my throat. I had to admit she kept me on top of things when it came to good business. Without her and her degree, our business would have been under in less than a year. After finishing up our shipment and putting us back on track for the month I made my way out into the store.

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