Twenty Nine

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[ Swivel x Dreamville & EARTHGANG ]

Trigger Warning: Gun-violence, Death.

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My hands shook irritably on the keyboard of my phone as Raegan's phone sent me to voicemail for the sixth time today. We were almost a thousand miles apart and she chose now to get under my fucking skin. Since I left two days ago she'd barely said two words to me. I guess I could blame myself for walking out on her but I had enough of the dramatic shit. Last night I tried to reconcile with her but her short fuse always led to an argument so I figured I'd give her space and we'd figure it out when I got back. That lasted all of three seconds and now I couldn't get a hold of her at all. I'd been calling since this morning and every call was sent to voicemail. It wasn't until all the text I sent her turned green that my blood started to boil.

"Bro, how many times you gone fucking call her?" Jabari rolled his eyes from the driver's seat pulling into the parking lot of a gas station before we hopped on the road. I brushed him off knowing he was just irritated I'd made us cut the trip short. We were supposed to go out tonight and leave in the morning but I wasn't in the mood.

"Til she answers." I shrugged him off,"Let me see your phone." I asked him.

"Here nigga." He shook his head, tossing me his phone hesitantly. I unlocked it dialing Raegan's number, I only grew more irritable when it went straight to voicemail again. Instead of giving up I simply called Gold.

"Hello?" She answered and I heard the sound of Zinnia's nursery rhymes in her background.

"Wassup this B. Where Rae at? She not answering her phone." I asked her as she walked away from the noise.

"I don't know. I don't keep tabs on that woman." She chuckled sarcastically.

"Well did she tell you what she was doing today? It's two in the afternoon, I know she ain't sleep." I said looking down at the time.

"Knowing Rae she could be, especially if you're not here. Or she's probably in the gym with Willow." She offered as little information as possible but from the high pitched tone in her voice I knew she knew Raegan's whereabouts.

"You're lying." I exposed her hearing her let out an air filled chuckle that was a dead giveaway.

"Bye, Josiah. By the way the crazy, stalker thing isn't flattering on you." She chuckled again before ending the call. I rolled my eyes, giving Jabari back his phone. I didn't give a fuck if my mood was flattering, I needed to know where she was.

"I know you ain't just call G." Jabari shook his head pulling up beside an empty gas pump.

"Man, shut the fuck up." I shrugged him off picking up my phone again.

"Slide in here with me." He said while unlocking the doors. I started to shake my head but once I looked up at the amount of cars outside the building I swung open the door. Stepping foot in the store we became two coyote's entering lion territory. I counted four men in total, only two were strapped but that was enough. I watched everyone's expression grow sour as I made eye contact with each one of them. Apparently we'd stopped at the wrong gas station.

"Niggas on one today." I mumbled to Jabari as we searched the isle. He slowly looked up taking in our surroundings.

"I got you B." He shook his head, feeling his waist.

"Jay, I ain't on that." I shook my head pulling out my phone to text Mo. I always texted her when I got a bad feeling.

"They is." He shrugged, grabbing a bag of chips and a few slim jim's. After I grabbed what I needed we headed towards the registers.

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