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[ Right My Wrongs x Bryson Tiller ]

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The text sent Josiah flying out the door as if the apartment had caught fire. He barely made time to tell Jabari he was leaving, yelling out a quick goodbye as he shut the door behind him. It'd been three days since he'd seen her after weeks of being stuck like glue. It was like being forced into quitting a bad habit, cold turkey. A habit he'd realized fulfilled him more than anything the second it was stripped away. He made his way down the stairs through his blurred vision. Her Tesla was parked right in-front of the entrance, loud music blaring from the speakers. He pulled at the door handle before realizing it was locked. She rolled down the window with a mug on her face looking him up and down.

"Where my money?" She spat over the music as he cracked a smile. She almost returned the gesture, until she remembered why they weren't speaking. His smile could no longer fool her.

"Open the door man. It's cold as shit." He pleaded, pulling the handle again.

"Get in the back." Raegan turned her nose up waving towards the back seat.

"You deadass?" He sucked his teeth leaning into the window. She bugged her eyes pointing towards the back with her thumb this time, "Whatever man." He played her game. The fact that she even showed up let him know she was over whatever grudge she'd been holding. She'd unblocked his number too, and she would've only done that expecting him to reach out.

"Can you turn your music down, I need to talk to you." He spread his long limbs across her backseat choosing to sit behind her passenger seat so he could at least see her profile.

"I'm driving. I don't really want to talk." Raegan stared forward, one hand on the wheel and the other leaned against the console. She wore a gray sweatsuit with the hood pulled over her head and a black polo hat underneath. He couldn't see her hair but he could smell her shampoo the second he entered the vehicle.

"Alright." He mumbled. She looked back at him through the rear view mirror, saddened by his expression. She felt bad for brushing him off but also felt she still needed time to process. She chuckled at the timing of her apple music playlist playing Best Thing, as Inayah's soft voice began to surround them, but decided the song fit well enough.

"Man." Josiah sucked his teeth. Raegan smiled to herself putting on her blinker to hop on the freeway, "Aye you need to slow this bitch down." Josiah argued from the backseat once she started pushing ninety and swerving through lanes.

"Thanks for the suggestion." She rolled her eyes passing another car in the left lane. Josiah sat up in his seat, watching her drive as reckless as she could, the motions making his stomach turn.

"Fuck." He groaned, feeling the inside of his mouth water preparing to get rid of the fifth of poison he'd consumed.

"Do not throw up in my car." Raegan slowed down as she approached his exit. She reached over in her passenger seat handing him a plastic grocery bag. Josiah didn't hesitate to take it hoping nothing would actually come out.

Unfortunately his stomach betrayed him the second Raegan pulled into his driveway and put the car in park. He sprinted from the vehicle, throwing up in the bushes on the side of his house. Raegan sighed, turning off her engine and pulling herself from the car. She found his keys on the backseat and grabbed the duffle bag he'd come with. Making her way into his home she'd almost forgot about Bubba, until he attacked her the minute she stepped in.

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