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[ Pretty Little Fears x 6LACK ]

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Raegan's hands shook on the steering wheel as she pulled into the parking lot of the correctional facility just as the sun began to rise. She had the strong urge to throw up the second the guard opened the gate and she drove through. She thought she'd done enough crying on the two hour drive over but tears blurred her vision the second she put the car in park. All she could do was picture Rose having to grow old in a place like this. While she was eager to see him she could only think about the fact that when the time was up she would get to walk out the doors and he would be put right back into a small cell. She wiped her teary eyes with a tissue making sure she wasn't denting her lashes in the mirror. It was only 8 a.m. meaning she had about thirty minutes to pull it together.

"I knew you'd be crying." Gold smiled once she answered the FaceTime call, "Aww you look so cute when you cry." She said propping the phone up against the cash register.

"Stop, I really didn't think I'd be this emotional. I just can't wrap my head around him being stuck in here." Raegan shook her head as she sighed.

"Trust me it doesn't get any easier over time. You just have to breathe through it. He'll be happy to see you, that'll help take the edge off." She said, Raegan pulled at the sleeves of her GAP sweatshirt wiping the sweat from her clammy palm's

"I haven't talked to him since last night. I don't even know if he still expects me to come." She shook her head.

"He called me this morning and apologized for flipping out. He seemed like he was in a good mood." Gold tried to reassure her, "Make sure you leave your phone and keys in the car and don't forget your ID. Wipe them snot boogers off your nose too Bink." She said with a wink.

"Ew you sound just like him. Get off my phone, I don't need to deal with him twice." Raegan laughed as she flashed his smile.

"Alright tell my brother I said hi and give him a big wet one for me." She said, blowing her a kiss.

"I will." Raegan promised.

When she got inside the in-processing went faster than she expected. Mostly because she was well prepared by Gold and didn't have any bumps in the road. Before she knew it she was sitting in a cold metal chair at an empty table fiddling with her thumbs. Her heart beat out her chest as she tired self soothing by drawing circles in her palms slowly. She swung her feet below the table hoping to calm her nerves but it was no use. Her head snapped up at the sound of the gate clicking for the third time. A guard brought another man in cuffs out but it wasn't Rose. She sighed looking back up at the ceiling and taking a deep breath. More than ten minutes passed and her patience only grew thinner.

The gate buzzed again and like clockwork her eyes were back on it. Her heart betrayed her the second he stepped through the gates. His eyes were forward as he scanned the room in search of her. She looked over his tall frame, intrigued. He was a lot more muscular than she remembered. His broad arms and biceps, squeezing through the fabric of his gray t-shirt leaving little room for air. His locs were in neatly done individual braids that hung down to his waist. When his eyes met hers, he cracked a smile immediately moving towards her. Raegan never failed to take his breath away. Even in her day old stitch braids and a faded navy blue sweatshirt she made his heart skip a beat.

"Izzy-Bink!" He beamed bouncing over to her. She chuckled as the other families and prisoners looked in their direction. When he made his way to the table he stopped waiting for her to greet him. She stood up letting him pull her into his arms. She closed her eyes knowing no matter how hard she prayed the moment wouldn't last long. He let her go before the guard could speak but his eyes still wrapped her in his warmth, "You look good Bink. You're a lil shorter than I remember but beautiful nonetheless." He said as they both took their seats across from each other.

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