Twenty Five

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[ Yebba's Heartbreak x Drake & Yebba ]

Trigger Warning: Miscarriage

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"Wassup Tav, where Rae at?" I walked into the salon pulling my hood from my head. Taven looked up from her clients head before nodding towards the back.

"You ain't bring nobody else no flowers?" She teased bouncing her brows. I shook my head sliding one single rose out of the bouquet and placing it in her hand.

"Here, begging ass." I said scrunching up my nose. She rolled her eyes taking the rose and I handed her a takeout container from the bag of food. Her and her sister kept themselves so busy some days I knew neither had taken the time to eat.

"Awhh you're the sweetest. Thank you Baby." She tried to pinch my cheeks after taking the food but I mushed her forehead, "Get your ass away from my station."

"Ain't gotta tell me twice." I backed off. I headed towards Raegan's office, stopping when I saw Mo and Jabari in her suite. Mo was yelling directions from a lip shaped red sofa while Jabari hung a picture frame on the wall.

"That is not the center bro, your blind ass finna piss me off." She cursed as he tilted the frame again. I leaned in the doorway watching them bicker and neither acknowledged my presence.

"Nigga you just said to the left." Jabari let out a deep sigh.

"I meant my left." She shrugged sipping the 7/11 slurpee in her hands.

"Bit–Mo we facing the same fucking way." Jabari turned around, "This simp ass nigga." He laughed once he saw me in the doorway. Mo followed his gaze surprised to see me.

"Aww, those are for Rae bae?" She smirked leaning on her elbow. I nodded taking out a second container of food for her.

"You called this nigga to hang a picture frame? This nigga tool box consist of a roll of duct tape and a flat head." I teased. Mo laughed taking the food and thanking me while Jabari flipped me off.

"Well come show me a tutorial than, since you know what the fuck you doing." Jabari quoted as we laughed.

"Nah you got it bro. I'll be right back though." I said before leaving them too it.

"You busy?" I poked my head in Raegan's office. She held her finger up to me showing me the phone in her hand. I nodded giving her a chance to finish up her call. I placed the food I brought her on her desk along with the roses. Her eyes lit up and she blew me kisses motioning for me to kiss her so I leaned over her desk pecking her lips quietly, as she covered the phone.

"Mhm...yes, thank you...Alright that sounds wonderful. I can bring all that in next week. Her legal guardian needs to be present right?" She asked, "Okay, thank you so much you've been a too." She said before ending the call.

"Who was that?" I asked as she pulled herself from her chair to greet me properly.

"A pre-k school, I'm trying to get Zinnia into." She explained as I nodded, "My Baby brought me lunch, he so thoughtful." She did a lil dance over to the food. I ran my fingers through the blond highlights of her hair admiring it.

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