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[ If You Let Me x Sinhead Harnett ]

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I was startled out of my sleep by the sound of Raegan gagging loudly in my bathroom. I barely wiped the crust out of my eyes before I pulled myself from the bed heading for the bathroom door. I pulled it open just as she flushed the toilet pulling herself to her feet. Her body drowned in one of my t-shirts and her hair was wrapped in a bonnet.

"You okay baby?" I asked, shielding my eyes from the light.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go back to bed." She waved me off.

"You sure? What time is it?" I yawned as she reached for her toothbrush.

"It's six, and yes I'm sure." She said pushing me out. Instead of getting back into bed I headed downstairs to let Bubba roam around in the backyard. He seemed pretty grateful taking off the second I hooked him into his steak. I headed back inside and up the stairs to bury myself in the sheets. I heard Raegan chuckle from the bathroom watching me dive into the bed. She made her way back over to me spreading her cold body across my back and pulling the covers over us.

"You're freezing." I mumbled closing my eyes as she left soft kisses along my jawline,"Gone stank breath." I teased.

"I just brushed my teeth. My breath doesn't stink." She sucked her teeth grabbing ahold of my face,"I just realized I've taken over your place." She said, lifting her head. I couldn't disagree seeing that her stuff was everywhere not in a messy way but I couldn't open a drawer or a cabinet without finding something that belonged to her and I'd even had to clear out a few drawers for her.

"Might as well move in." I chuckled, feeling her sit up.

"Nope I need my personal space." She shook her head. I turned over so that she was straddling my waist.

"Really?" I raised my eyebrow gesturing between us. Lately personal space was the last thing on her mind. Although we were taking things slow, Raegan's hormones made her cling to me like white on rice. If I left one room in the house I was alone for no more than ten minutes. If I went to the store she was on FaceTime with me. If we weren't on FaceTime she was texting me how much she missed me. Given all of this, and years of superstitions I was positive there was a little girl brewing inside her.

"Yes really. Plus your place is so monochrome what would I do with all my furniture." She said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"You can redecorate any room you want except my bathroom. I'm not with the pink shit." I shook my head.

"Okay but your closet is full and mine is just as packed." She made another excuse.

"I can move some shit to the closet in the guest room and the rest I can get rid of. You gone keep making excuses?" I smirked while she thought of another one,"Your lease is up this month and I know you haven't renewed it yet." I rubbed her thighs slowly.

"How do you know?" She questioned crossing her arms.

"You've been paying your rent?" I sucked my teeth.

"It's on autopay." She shrugged. I raised my eyebrows amused. I chuckled, directing her to check. She frowned picking up her phone from the nightstand to check her account,"Wait, Josiah how long have you been–"

"A minute. Sick your pockets too deep to notice." I shook my head realizing why she hadn't questioned it sooner. The figure I could see over her shoulder was more than a few zero's deep. When Raegan told me she was taken care of she'd meant it. Still, that hadn't stopped me from taking care of her in every way possible. I figured she'd bring it up one day but not after I'd been paying her rent for months now.

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