Thirty Seven

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[ All Mine x Brent Faiyaz ]

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Zinnia and I walked slowly along a narrow trail just a few feet from the backyard. She pointed to every squirrel and funny looking rock or flower she saw. She was seemingly entertained by the nature around us while my head was spinning. It was almost like I was walking around in a dream waiting for someone to pinch me. When I found out Taven had Amir go digging into my case I was angry, but once he found me a way out all that anger turned into gratefulness. I couldn't be angry, I had people in my corner who wanted me free more than I wanted it for myself. The idea of freedom crossed my mind every hour on the hour while I was locked up. Now that it was real I found myself tearing up. Watching my bouncing baby girl skip through the wood chips on the trail as the sun began to set, only pushed my tears out further.

"What's wrong Daddy?" Zinnia stopped in her tracks as I wiped my tears with my sleeve. I didn't want her to notice them so I forced a smile.

"Nothing, Daddy's happy to be with you again, that's it. I missed you bud." I admitted bending over to scoop her up.

"I missed you too, Daddy. I like you." She kissed my cheeks.

"Like? You don't love Daddy?" I began tickling her sides. She squealed and wiggled in my grip as we headed back towards the house.

"Okay! I love Daddy!" She screamed begging me to stop tickling her.

"Like I thought." I nodded, placing her on her feet once the house was back in our view. Zinnia ran off towards the back patio just as Gold slid the doors open.

"Wow, I haven't seen her this happy since I brought her a Moana doll." She teased as she came out of the doors.

"She's really smart, how does she know all those flowers?" I noticed Zinnia was constantly naming the flowers along the trail.

"Flash cards and lots of books. She loves colors so I just introduced her too then in a different way." She explained as I pulled her into a hug.

"You know I'm proud of you right? I promise I'll make it up to you." I kissed her temple.

"You being here is making it up to me, now you just have to make it up to Zin. She thinks the world of you and Nova and I made sure of that. Now it's up to you to prove it." She said,"Our Dad was a great Dad Rose, but you have to be an even better one, starting by taking care of you." She told me.

"I got you." I nodded leading her back towards the house. Inside was filled with noise and laughter coming from the large living area. So far everyone Taven introduced seemed pretty nice. Even Jabari's presence hadn't bothered me as much as I thought it would. It was weird seeing my little sister being so affectionate towards someone but he was just as enamored. Audra was quite the character as well, she seemed to be the life of the party dancing in the center of the living room with Taven as a Ciara video played on the flat screen.

"Would the rules change up or would they still apply? If I played you like a toy, sometimes I wish I could act like a boy!" Taven sang as she grabbed Jabari's hat from his head mimicking the dance in the video.

"Can't be getting mad, what you mad? Can't handle that?" Audra backed her vocal's up impersonating Ciara's famous backbend. The woman who'd been introduced as Josiah's mother was now in tears laughing at the two of them with a glass of wine in her hand. I chuckled to myself wondering past the group into the kitchen. I looked up hearing the patio door open but before I could make out the figure moving out of it they were gone. I did a headcount of the room, noticing Raegan was missing from all the chaos. I went to follow her but Josiah turned the corner just as I did stopping me in my tracks.

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