Thirty Nine

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[ Another Lifetime x Nao ]

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Raegan waited impatiently in her office, after cleaning it top to bottom and even reorganizing a few pieces of furniture. She tapped her nails on the arms of her chair as her feet rested on top of the marble. She checked her watch, finding that it was going on eight and her stomach had begun growling louder by the minute. She pulled herself to her feet making her way towards Taven's station.

"Almost wrapped up?" She ran into Morgan carrying a large bag of trash toward the front doors.

"Yeah I'm about to load these last boxes in my car then it's off too Houston tomorrow morning." She pouted.

"Wow, that was faster than I thought." Raegan wiped a fake tear as she pulled her into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you Rae." She sniffled but she was smiling through her words,"I hate bitches like beef in my teeth but you, I love."

"I love you too." She laughed, hugging her tighter.

"You're all packed?" Taven bent the corner, having been headed to her own office.

"Yeah, just a few more boxes." Morgan explained, reaching out to hug her next.

"Aww, I'm gonna miss you so much." Taven hugged her back with a warm smile. Their business relationship had become much more than that, especially all the time they spent talking while getting each other dolled up.

Raegan thought her sister deserved an Oscar. Not for the performance she'd put on almost a month ago at the cabin but for the performance she was putting on now. She knew her sister was hurting but everyday she hid it with a smile. She was the main one to believe that their Mother could somehow change. Only for her to be stabbed in the back with a knife she'd helped sharpen. The girls helped Morgan pack up the rest of her car before saying their final goodbyes and making their way back inside to lock up.

"You want to come over? I'm making tacos." Reagan offered hugging her sister's waist as she gathered her things from her desk.

"This is the third time you've invited me over for dinner this week. Willow's invited me over twice. I know what y'all are doing and I'm fine." She pried her sister's hands from her waist. She wasn't completely lying. She hadn't fully healed from the birthday party turned horror show but she was slowly finding a way to deal with it. She recognized that when her pregnancy test came back negative and Raegan's was positive that it was a sign. She'd catered to Amir for years yet she was left with nothing. Still somehow she was grateful that it'd all been revealed and now she could go about her life. She wasn't the perfect girlfriend but she was hardworking and more patient than she needed to be. Even when Amir came by to collect the rest of his things she kept her cool. She'd already let him see how much damage he'd caused and she wouldn't stoop to that level again. She was going to pick herself up and she didn't need anyone's pity to do it.

"Taven you don't have to pretend you're fine with all of this. We're just trying to be there for you and help you through this." Raegan didn't want to pry but she had too.

"Y'all can help me by not bringing it up everyday. I said I'm fine Raegan, you take care of you and my nephew and I'll be even better." Taven snatched her purse from the desk storming off toward the door. Like always Vice followed her to her car although she seemed to be in a rush.

"You late for a date or something?" Vice chuckled, pulling open her door as he jogged to catch up to her.

"I'm not in the mood, Vice." She rolled her eyes ducking inside the car slowly. Once she was inside she waited for him to close her door but instead he stood over it looking down at her curiously,"What?" She pulled a pack of gum out of her purse, shoving a piece into her mouth.

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