Twenty Six

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[ Possessive x Chris Brown ]

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"Baby...Ma wake up." I whispered in Raegan's ear, crawling up toward her sleeping body. It was going on one in the afternoon and she was still snoring lightly. I chuckled, noticing she'd begun to drool on my pillow case. We were going on day two of our unplanned hibernation and I was getting bored. I'd almost forgotten about our getaway seeing that we'd already tucked ourselves away. I'd already cleaned up the mess we made in lounging around. I'd packed my bag this morning and figured we'd swing by Raegan's place so she could pack before getting on the road.

Bubba and I had been for our afternoon run, expecting her to be awake when we returned. In the last 48 hours she'd slept through at least 24 of them. Although she said she was fine, I didn't like where this was going so I had a plan to get her in a better mood. Instead of opening her eyes she reached her hand out for me covering my mouth.

"Get somebody else to do it." She mumbled, pushing me away and turning her back to me.

"Baby, come on. We've been in the house for two days. I wanna take you somewhere." I kissed her shoulder blade.

"I'm so tired." She whined as I pulled the cover off of her.

"Come on Rae. You can sleep when we get there." I wined back, shaking her arm. She let me turn her body back towards me but her eyes remained closed.

"Promise." She mumbled.

"I promise. Now come on, we gotta go to your place so I can pack you a bag." I said gently rubbing the crust from her eye. Her brows met in the middle, swatting my hand away again.

"Okay, just gimme five minutes bro." She said, pulling the sheets above her head.

"Alright bro." I nodded standing up to leave the room,"Come on Bubba." I called him and he jumped up trotting out the room in-front of me. I looked back at Raegan to see her head still buried under the sheets. I left her to get ready hoping she'd actually do that.

I checked my fridge realizing I desperately needed to make a Walmart run. I found enough for a decent smoothie, throwing strawberries and a banana into the blender. Bubba watched me eagerly and I chuckled, tossing him a strawberry. After cleaning up I headed back upstairs to find Raegan still sound asleep now laying on her side in a fetal position.

"Girl get your ass up." I said as she cracked a smile. She opened her eyes and they lit up once she saw the smoothie in my hand. She reached for it, sticking one arm out of the covers, "Nope, come on. This is coming with me until you're fully dressed." I held it away from her as she pouted.

"You hate me." She whined pulling the sheets from her nude body. After she finally dragged herself from the bed we were off. As planned we stopped by her place first and I threw her a bag of comfortable clothes together and anything else she'd need for our stay. I let her double check it of course and grab whatever else she wanted to bring. Which included her portable record player and a few card games. She picked a few records and we locked up at her place and headed to Walmart.

"You want to come in here with me?" I asked her, making her look up from her phone in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, you don't pick good snacks." She nodded, pulling her hood over her head. She'd taken out the blonde hair, and let me wash her hair and put it in twists. The style actually turned out cute her though she had way too much hair and I'd never do it again. Not to mention her sleeping the entire time.

"Come on then." I turned off the car, reaching over to open her door. She watched me and rolled her eyes stepping out of the car. When we got inside we somehow ended up in almost every aisle picking up food, snacks, blankets, and even more games to play in our boredom since we'd already been cooped up.

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