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You Promised


the news has spread about laura being pregnant and it's only been two days.

currently it's day 4 of my one week for training the twins, karl has already passed the bar test as is already living in the normal chambers with everyone else.

george though, he's still in weapons training. he has the emotional part down but it's his aim and accuracy that he can't perfect.

that's what today's training is about.

i slipped through the kitchen, wearing my training outfit. grey sweatpants with a dark grey skin tight t shirt, my wrist holster on and one on my ankle

"goodmorning" zak said as i walked by

"it's 7pm" i said bluntly

"that's our morning. so goodmorning" he defended himself

"fine goodmorning to you too" i scoffed and stole a piece of daryls banana nut bread

"hey! it's not done cooling" he smacked my hand as i pulled a piece away

i took a bite and immediately my mouth burnt but the flavor over turned any other pain

"damn this shits good" i shoved the entire piece down my throat and walked down the hallway

"language" daryl yelled at me as i went down the stairs to george room

"georgie~" i carried out the e as i entered his room. he was asleep still

he was starting to adjust to our sleep schedule which was good

he stretched and saw me in the doorway, smiling at my appearance

"to what do i ow the pleasure" he held out his arms and i walked over to the bed, sitting down next to him

"we should start training soon, you need to pass that bar" my mind was honestly a little fogged thinking about what would happen if he didn't pass the final test

"okay, let me go change" he got up and revealed he was only in a big t-shirt and boxers

he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a similar skin tight t shirt and went to go to the bathroom but i stopped him

"no. don't change in there" i said sternly as i adjusted my body posture on the bed

i purposly sat with my body almost flat on the bed, just my upper back and head resting on the headboard.

i knew george was going to turn me on

even without my dick being hard you could see it poking through the thin fabric

george didnt resist, he just pulled his sweatpants on slowly then took off his shirt, revealing the small ab pack he had, it was cute.

"your cute" i said softly

"and your hot" be shot back at me

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