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"Wil" lily shouted a bit, catching the attention of the family that now saw her and charlie saddled on their horses.

after phil passed, the family fell directly into wilburs hands. though everyone knew it should have been clays responsibility, he was gone too. but wilbur was the authority around here now.

the brunettes hair was longer, still crappy curled, but it was long enough for the top part to be pulled into a bun on the back of his scalp. he stopped from throwing hands at tommy and looked to where lily was pointing.

wilbur was on guard, as well as everyone else. because they were right in the middle of four hundred acers, no one would be here unless they knew where they were going, and they knew who was here.

"stay with your mother ivy" techno hunched over a little and nudged ivory into laura and the little girl nodded, her face looked a little worried because she had never been in any actual violence before and even for a four year old, she knew something was off.

techno jogged over to the stalls with wilbur, both of them hopping onto their large stallions without problem. with Pink being as large as she was, and D being a normal horse, it made techno look so much more intimidating, but it didnt scare lily.

techno never intimidated lily.

"Who would be out here" wilburs voice was rasped, his slight scruff moving with his mouth.

"especially at seven pm" charlie spoke next, the four of them starting to move forward in a simple trot.

Pink was so much larger than the other three that it became apparent that she was literally walking while the everyone else had to trot to keep up. But, lily was getting there. Dream was also a dutch draft, just younger, and albino. it would only take months for him to be as big as pink.

the SUV slowly came to a stop as the four blocked the road, making it impossible for the car to pass. the drivers door slowly opened, revealing corpse standing there with sunglasses despite it being dark out.

"you could have called" techno scoffed but corpse rose his hands in defeated question.

"non of you have a phone?!" corpse shouted with his arms hunched, he sounded annoyed, scared almost.

but no one noticed it. they just slowly turned around and started trotting back to camp, hearing the car trying to keep up behind them. but then lily started to think, why was corpse really here.

the four hopped off their horses and let them go eat, not bothering to take off the saddles until after they found out why corpse was here.

"why do you have sun glasses on, its pitch bla-" techno started as he dropped an apple into pinks food bowl, but when he turned around, he cut himself off.

"I cant control it" corpses voice was shaky, as were his hands when he took off his glasses, revealing his iris' were glowing bright purple.

now for any normal person, this would be enough to send them into cardiac arrest, but, this family having powers, it was only worrying.

"holy shit" wilbur squinted his eyes as corpses almost lit up the room, providing a black light cover and revealing little green speckles across the floor and wood.

"your going to fucking blind me-" lily spun around and started to unsaddle dream, not really caring for the purple eyes.

"I can teleport, yes. but sometimes I can sense- I can feel when some ones about to die. but- but I dont know who it is this time" corpse was stuttering, his hands shaking even though they were dangling by his sides.

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