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after about 15 minutes i reached town, assuming techno, nick, noah, and ranboo where all behind me.

i had just gotten into city limits and i already saw numerous normal people with their eyes on us.

then my phone started vibrating.

"dream" i said sternly as i answered it, my right hand holding it to my ear

"it's phil, if i'm right and you where going triple the speed limit" he paused

i gritted my teeth slightly as i had bee discovered

"then you and the other sports cars would have reached town by now. i called techno first but he said you where infront so i'm telling you, turn left on ave and find the bright purple building. daryl and charlie want food and we are early" he spoke calmly but you could hear the distraction in his voice as he drove, him probably just out of the base.

"yeah okay" i said before hanging up, putting my phone back into my pocket

"what was that about?" george asked me while reaching his left hand for my arm.

"phil wants food" i said calmly as i held his hand on my side of the seat.

I drove fast, just over the speed limit, but enough to not get in trouble.
See now the only thing about being in town again is that my car was wanted, well I was wanted for questioning and they knew my car.

i was a couple blocks away from ave when i noticed a police car parked on the side of the road, probably with a police scanner against the window.

"shit" i mumbled and i think george caught on to what.

before i did anything else, i clicked a button on my roof, next to the lights. It flipped my license plate around so instead of being the actual plate, It said DREAM.

i quickly pulled my phone out and called techno as we passed the cop, his light's immediately lighting and cutting techno off, following me.

"tech-" he cut himself off as he saw the cop cup him off.

"ave road, purple building" was all i said before hanging up, immediately going for phil's contact

"philza" he answered calmly, not knowing anything of the sort going wrong

"i just got lit up, i'm gonna run them off but techno and the rest of the sports will be there" i said quickly

"be careful, don't crash and don't cause any damage" he said quickly and we hung up at the same time.

i tossed my phone onto george, him catching it effortlessly.

"okay buckle up" i said quickly because i knew what i had to do to get away was not going to be ideal

george didn't hesitate, he buckled the thin fasten before turning his attention back to me

"don't kill us" he said with a small hint of worry in his voice

"i won't" i reached my hand for his arm and gave him a reassuring squeeze

but then i turned both my arms back to my steering wheel. I saw the cop right on my ass in the mirror, techno almost right behind him.

I sped up slightly, hitting about 50, then i took a corner into an alleyway, the cop missing the turn completely and going straight.

i sped down the alley going atleast 70, then i reached a cross roads.

I pulled out, seeing no cop in sight. at first i thought i was off the radar until i saw numerous flashing lights in my rear view mirror.

"god dammit" i sighed and slammed my fist into my wheel, making george jump slightly

i felt horrible but there was nothing i could do about it right now, since i was you know being man hunted.

quickly i took another turn, turning onto some main highway, i swerved through traffic which earned me to many honks to even count.

I saw an exit coming up so i took it, going off the highway at atleast 100 miles an hour.

after what felt like 15 minutes i finally made it back into town, only one cop left on my tail. This one seemed very high end on getting me, like it was personal somehow.

It took a bit, several alley turns, then finally i pulled into a parking garage and went underground. I hid in the dark lighting in a corner, the cop coming inside and not finding me.

i could see the frustration through the glass as the lights and sirens turned off.

"fuck" i groaned and ran my hand through my hair violently

"come here" i said quickly while reaching over for george, our body's colliding in a warm hug as he grasped my back for any friction.

"hey it's okay" i circled my hand around his shoulder blades, comforting the poor terrified boy.

he pulled away first, smiling at me proudly as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

at first i thought it was just because he didn't have to anymore but then i felt his hands grab my jaw aggressively

"well okay then" i smirked and reached my hands for his body, our lips colliding against one another's.

he tried to gain control of the kiss, it not really taking him anywhere.

I shoved my tongue into his mouth, exploring depths not even i knew existed.

i felt a drop of drool fall down my lip, then i tried to adjust my seating but it was so crammed in here that i'm sure there would be no comfortable position.

"fuck" i pulled away and hopped out of the car, practically jogging to the other side, opening the flying door for george.

He jumped out without hesitation, his hands around my neck and mine on his waste. i pushed my mouth back into his, him enjoying it as i pushed his body into the car roughly.

then something in his pocket started vibrating

i backed away slowly, wiping the drool from my face and waiting for him.

he pulled the phone from his pocket and handed it to me, it being my phone that i threw at him earlier.

"dream" i sighed and answered like usual

"where the hell are you, police radios are reporting a green lamborghini as a top priority?" phil shot at me as soon as i answered the call

"i had fifteen plus pigs on my ass it took fucking forever to shake them" i scoffed and took a step back from george, seeing his face accept that the mood was off.

"jesus christ, how far away are you" he said and you could hear how frustrated he was

"i'm in an underground parking garage like 2 blocks away" i said while walking back around the car, opening my door once again.

"K Just leave your car there and get it after breakfast, it's not worth driving two blocks if your wanted" phil said and hung up before i could respond.

i sighed loudly as you could feel the blanket of tension that fell over the room.

"phil?" george asked as i sat back into my drivers seat

"yeah we have to walk there, cars wanted" i said quickly while picking up the car keys, as well as my jacket.

"okay, i'll follow you" george muffled behind his jacket seeing as the underground parking garage mixed with december weather wasn't exactly warm.

i nodded in response, shutting the door as i stood up to my total height.

george zipped up his jacket and walked to the front of the car with me, his hands in his pockets and his shoulder propped up to cover his neck with the jacket.

mine though was unzipped, with my sweats resting low on my waist and my shirt barley tucked in, it being so tight it hugged my v line and made it visible.

me and george began walking, my hand in his pocket holding his hand.

1316 words

little longer??

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