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You Promised


me and george stood in the elevator as we went to the garage floor.

it opened and georges eyes went wide as he looked at the hundred cars that we had in this base.

"holy shit" he said barley audible as he ran his fingers over the small eagle on the front of the rolls royce.

"which ones yours" he asked while looking back at me

"come here" i walked over to the bulletin board that held all hundred of the car keys

i pulled a lamborghini key set from the pile and george looked at me exitedly

"ofcourse you have a lamborghini" he scoffed and followed me to the middle of the cars

there was 6 lamborghinis in total, one was mine, one was technos, one was noah's, and then the other three where for missions.

mine was lime green, technos was dark pink, noah's was a light blue, then the other three where yellow, dark blue, and red.

"yours is the green one isn't it" he walked over to the priceless piece of machinery and smiled as i walked over to him with it.

"yessir" i proudly stated at i opened the passenger door for him

he slid in quickly and i shut the door on him.

i hopped into my side and turned the car on, putting it in drive, then revving the engine

my phone which was sitting on the dash board immediately blew up with messages from nick, alex, and noah

"does it echo that much?" he glanced at my phone screen that showed them all telling me to shut up, just not in the nicest ways.

"through the entire base and they hate it" i laughed slightly as we pulled into the car elevator

"why are we stopped?" he asked me confusingly

"we arnt" as soon as my words left my mouth the ground bellow us started moving up and the roof above us opened up

"this is so unreal" he shook his head accepting how much this base was really worth

"it is" i said as we finally made it to the ground.

i laid my food on the gas, peeling from the cabins driveway.

"slow down idiot" he held the handle on the door

"why? it takes an hour to get there going the speed limit and the faster we go the faster we can finish your training" i defended me going 80 on a 30 mph road.

"just be careful please" he seemed slightly worried, almost as if he didn't trust me

"of course, your with me" i smiled goofily as we took a sharp turn going way to fast for his liking

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