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we had twenty minutes until one, laura tried hiding her finger as it still dripped a small amount of blood, technos eyes where scanning the room and he didn't know what he was looking for but it made him feel useful.

georges body posture slowly slumped down and got worse, his smile slowly fading into more of a tired smirk. I dont know what was happening but the vibe was leaving the room, everyone was getting tired, getting ready to leave.

After all it was 12:37 in the morning. there are few people that are ever actually up at this time, its not a normal sleep schedule, but coming from someone who barley sleeps as is, that shouldn't be taken personally.

"I am so fucking done" nick shook his head and took out his phone, for the first time, I saw someone take out their phone at this dance. it was like a common curtesy not to but with the circumstances, I was fighting off the urge not to take my own phone out.

It wasn't like I was trying to be nosy but there was nothing else to do, my eyes fought off looking from his phone but I failed, now just blankly staring down at it.

he was scrolling through twitter, I couldn't read much but I only saw tweets about it being new years, it was the same speech every time from popular people.

'thank you guys so much for everything this year, I seriously cannot thank you enough for how much I have grown and how you viewers have helped me.' the same thing every time.

"Its almost annoying" I laughed and watched as nick chuckled along, still just scrolling through his phone.

I dont know how long we sat there but before I knew it, I felt technos hand on my shoulder, pushing me towards bruno.

I inhaled sharply and just put on a fake smile, getting close to him as there where ten minutes until midnight.

"I lied" bruno said nervously, his hands fidgeting around the now empty glass that rested in his hands.

"oh?" I rose an eye brow and smiled slightly, showing no matter what he lied about I wasn't going to be mad. not that I could be mad at him, I was about to kill the man.

"im not engaged" he laughed somewhat awkwardly, as if he didn't know how I would react, almost like he was trying to get something out of me.

"I lied too" I smiled with a small hint of truth behind it. that small amount of truth that seeped from behind my straight teeth, that spilled onto the floor, that looked genuine. because i had been lying to this man for the past hours, that small amount of truth is more than he could ever imagine

he eased up and pushed his hands forward, urging me to go on, as if he wanted to hear what my lie was, and that's what made me know, he didn't want to feel alone.

"I haven't seen my wife in three years" I flexed my neck in awkwardness and looked away, soon turning back to him to see he was laughing. i saw him laughing with an emotion that would soon be gone into the air, his soul floating into the sky with all of his memories and thoughts to himself

"let me get us drinks ill be right back" I laughed and he nodded, I turned away and went to find a waiter. these drinks would be the last thing he ever drinks, he ever eats, and it almost hurt, because when you usually go on a mission, you know what they did and how bad they where but this was such a last minute thing that i didn't know what he did wrong.

as I grabbed the drinks, I saw bruno was faced away from me which made this all the more easier. I slipped the pill from my wrist holster, it dropping into the drink and fizzing immediately, and within moments it was gone, the drink being purely deadly now.

I approached him and tapped his shoulder, him smiling and taking the drink from me with ease, taking the first sip. i watched the light pink liquid fall into his mouth, the sour taste being nothing different from any other drink tonight, he didn't see any difference and it scared me.

he was a world wanted persons cousin, shouldn't that mean something? shouldn't that mean that he knows things, that he should smell the drink before taking it, that he should have watched me grab them, that he should be less comfortable around complete strangers?

i dont know if he was just dumb, or didn't care. he had to inhale the entire drink before anything happened, and we still had four minutes until one. the time seemed to take forever, as if it was going slower just because of what was about to happen.

I eyed George over brunos shoulder as bruno just spoke about shit I didn't understand, and truth be told I didn't care all to much either.

georges arm moved up on reynas back, making his positioning more normal for when the knife will slide from his wrist. i could see the slight dis-comfort in his eyes and it made my heart ache that hes no longer mine. that he wont be in my bed every night, that he wont be there for when ever something goes wrong, when i need someone to talk to, i officially lost the one person who made me feel whole.

the knife itself is no bigger than a finger, but the poison on it, that's whats deadly.

bruno took another sip of his drink and the clock ticked up another minute, revealing there where 2 minutes left.

out from the side of my eye I saw techno and laura slowly separating, truth be told I didn't know where or how they were going to get out but that wasn't my issue, it wasn't my top priority right now.

from my sides I saw my family slowly seeping from the crowd, not fully disconnecting but getting closer to the exits. and truth be told I almost saw it in others.

I mean phil did say there where going to be other groups here, and I wouldn't doubt that some knew, that some saw how close me and George where to reyna and bruno. I didn't know who posed a threat to us, whether it was the osmium, the other groups, my parents, punz, reyna and bruno themselves. this event could go to many different ways and that's what scared me.

if George gets hurt, i will never forgive myself, but if he dies, i will honor the promise.

the promise i made George, the promise he made me, this was either ending with both of us, or neither of us.

1155 words


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