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"please" I laughed and stood tall, my arms crossed as he sighed

"this is gonna be so weird" he groaned and nodded, ultimately exited to see if I can shift.

I stared at him and smiled, mouthing thank you as I backed away slightly.

my mind went directly to noah, thinking about my powers, truth be told I didn't know how I did it the first time it just kind of happened.

"focus clay, focus" I heard phils voiced behind me, he was really exited for the both of us. It was like he was teaching his own children how to walk but in powers form.

his words where enough motivation for my mind to blank, thinking only about transforming into noah. I felt my body begin to heat up and my sides began aching with pain, it was happening. I felt sweat drip down my temples and my body began to shake. although it wasn't a sezjuire type of shake, it was like I was vibrating on the ground.

(a/n if you have ever watched flash, it looked like them when they phase through walls)

then before I knew it, I stopped shaking, the drops of sweat disappearing just as quick as they appeared.

technos and phils eyes snapped to me, both of them looking completely shocked.

"what" I said, but it wasn't my voice that came out. it was noahs high pitched voice.

"holy shit" techno stood up and stared at me, well noahs body but me inside of it.

I laughed and looked down at my hands, seeing they wherent mine but his

"this is so much weirder than I thought it would be" noah stood there, emotionless look on his face as I began walking around, just seeing if anything was different.

"wait" I snapped my head back to him, a smirk forming on my face.

"if this works I swear to god" techno scoffed but there was an exited smile on his face as well.

I approached noah and stood tall next to him, well, as tall as I could for being in the same body as him.

"oh my god" he stared into my eyes, well his eyes, and just looked at me as I walked away, jogging towards the pool where everyone else sat, deadpanned faces staring at us. They watched me transform into noah.

he caught up next to me, truth be told it felt like I was running on air when I jogged in his body, it was easy and simple.

we made it to the pool and all eyes where on us.

"oh my god" Wilbur stared at us, well two of noah, and smirked towards us.

"since when did you have your ability?" niki screeched as she jumped from the water, her legs appearing just as quick as she jumped.

"yesterday" I said, still it wasn't my voice but now they knew who was who.

"and your already able to fully transform?" she stared at noah then to me, who had the exact facial features and everything displayed on my face.

"clay just try this and get out of my body this is so weird" noah stared at me with a smile on his face, he was mostly serious but he was just as exited as I was to see if I became a merman.

I nodded quickly, running around to the other side of the pool, slowly I stepped into the water, nothing was happening.

"okay you have to focus on your tail, as if you've always had one" noah dove into the pool, his tail appearing immediately with that same mist as before.

I nodded and blanked my mind, putting any remaining energy towards the tail im supposed to have. then my legs began tingling, it was like they had fallen asleep, and I was going to stand up. little pins and pricks where left along my skin, making my back arche in pain.

"it goes away" niki said calmly as she sat on the edge of the pool, her feet hanging in the water.

I feel like I blacked out but when I looked back down, my legs where no more and there rest noahs scary tail.

"oh what the fuck" techno dropped his hands and turned away, obviously jealous that I can get others powers.

"holy shit" noah laughed and swam over to me, staring at his own tail.

I pushed myself off the stairs, attempting to swim but I fell to the bottom of the pool. I attempted to hold my breath but after I couldn't anymore, water began to fill my lungs. but it didn't choke me, it was like I could breathe water. right, gills.

I turned myself around and landed at the bottom of the pool on my back, just staring as noah and niki seemed to lose their shit laughing. although there was nothing I could do, I couldn't get myself back up to the surface so I had to wait until one of them was done making fun of me to come help me.

I shook my head as I watched niki dive into the water, her tail appearing along with a light pink shell top.

she floated above me, just staring and holding back a giggle as she reached her hand down to help me.

"fuck you" I tried saying, although I had a good feeling it would be muffled by the water. but it didn't. it went through the water easily and she stared at me

"I could just leave you on the bottom of the pool" she threated and began letting go of my hand

"no help me up" I grunted and smirked, knowing now that I can become anyone I wish.

finally my face met the water top and I was revealed to have noah still laughing his ass of because of my failed attempt to swim.

"I swear to god" I shook my head and began focusing on my own body.

every time I shifted it got easier, I became myself in under a couple minutes, it was becoming more controllable as time went on.

"never again" noah pointed at me and shook his head, hopping out of the water as I stepped out close behind him.

"who else then" I scanned the room and everyone's eyes avoided mine as they didn't want to see themselves Infront of them.

"clay look!" I heard a soft voice, I assumed lilys as she pointed towards the field.

nick was now in the air, his wings just barley smaller than phils. and if you remember how big phils was, thats saying a lot. My best friend slowly rose higher, he looked like he was attempting to figure out how to walk. well he was, just flying instead of walking.

"wait" I heard technos voice behind me, he seemed distracted like he was looking at something else.

"what" I turned around and saw techno aproaching the doors we came in

"shit securitys coming" he stared at the door, his eyes flashing from me to the guards once more.

"fucking hell" I took a turn and stepped onto the field, catching phil and nicks attention

"phil" I yelled into the air, after all they where atleast four story's in the air

"what" he began coming down, nick still in the air besides him.

"clay look at me" I heard nicks voice, although it sounded raspy, like he had been crying or his throat was dry.

"yes awesome, but security" I shouted at the two of them who floated in the air seamlessly.

I watched phil turn to nick then they bolted into the air, flying like they've known how their entire lives.

1290 words


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